MyDamnShell v1
This project is a set of ansible playbooks that can be used to pull down 'dotfiles' git repos to setup a user's shell with all the whizbangs and super bitchen custom apps, shells, that you want.
This can be used as part of a vagrant vm provisioning script, to auto setup your shell the way you like it.
My Damn Shell!!
What MDS does
- Installs some basic requirements that MDS needs (bindep)
- Loops over defined dotfiles repos and
- Clones defined 'dotfiles' git repos
- Installs any binary dependencies as defined in each dotfiles repo (from requirements/bindep.txt)
- Installs any python2 and python3 packages as defined in each dotfiles repo (requirements/python-requirements.txt)
- Runs in each dotfiles repo
dotfiles git repo ?
A dotfiles repo is a git repository that contains all of your custom unix files such as .bashrc, .zshrc, .vimrc, etc. This allows you to have 1 place for all of your common config items so when you create an account on a new host/vm, you can suck those configs down into your shell have have your environment setup the way you like it.
dotfiles repo layout requirements
The 'dotfiles' repo has to have a few required files and directories
- a 'mydamnshell' directory with the following
- 'requirements' directory with:
- bindep.txt (optional)
- python-requirements.txt (optional)
- python3-requirements.txt (optional)
- 'requirements' directory with:
- a setup script called ''
Example dotfiles repo
Bindep is a tool for checking the presence of binary packages needed to use an application / library. It started life as a way to make it easier to set up a development environment for OpenStack projects. While OpenStack depends heavily on pip for installation of Python dependencies, some dependencies are not Python based, and particularly for testing, some dependencies have to be installed before pip can be used - such as virtualenv and pip itself.
Example bindep that supports ubuntu, suse, macos
# Bindep to describe what apps are required on which systems
# For MacOS
coreutils [platform:brew]
python [platform:brew]
pip-completion [platform:brew]
# For Ubuntu
build-essential [platform:dpkg]
autoconf [platform:dpkg platform:rpm]
automake [platform:dpkg platform:rpm]
libtool [platform:dpkg platform:rpm]
xclip [platform:dpkg platform:rpm]
lnav [platform:dpkg platform:rpm platform:brew]
lsb-release [platform:ubuntu platform:suse]
fish [platform:ubuntu platform:brew platform:suse]
python-autopep8 [platform:ubuntu]
vim-autopep8 [platform:ubuntu]
# For openSUSE
python2-autopep8 [platform:suse]
python3-autopep8 [platform:suse]
jo [platform:suse]
hostname [platform:suse]
vim-data [platform:suse]
autopep8 [platform:suse]
MDS requires Ansible v2.5 to run.
Systems supported
- openSuse
- ubuntu
$ git clone
$ cd mydamnshell
MDS requires that you create a valid ansible group_vars/all. Just copy the example file, edit it and you are ready to go
$ cp group_vars/all.example group_vars/all
$ vi group_vars/all
There is a wrapper for running the main ansible playbook, or you can run it manually.
$ ./
$ ansible-playbook -i hosts site.yml
- Write Tests
- add support for Redhat
- add support for MacOS
Apache 2.0
Free Software, Hell Yeah!
- [Ansbible]
- [bindep]