
Cross request trace for PHP,like google's dapper,twitter's zipkin

Primary LanguagePHP


Cross request trace for PHP,like google's dapper,twitter's zipkin.
It's base on AOP-PHP extension. A new fork of AOP-PHP is support PHP 7.0 or later, thanks pangudashu

PHPIO is focus on trace IO operation, such like Curl, MySQL, Memcache, Redis, APC.
It's easily write your own Hooker monitor function/class operation in 10 line code.

  • Common
    connection's host and port, call trace, function args, response and error message.
  • MySQL, PDO
    record raw SQL query stirng and affected rows.
  • Curl
    record raw http header(request & response), and reporting the full infomation of time,speed and size.
  • Memcached, Redis
    record key for operation, the real server where key is mapped to.
  • Exception, Error
    record errno and errmsg for Exception and Error.
  • Call Graph
    call graph is svg format, click map node redirect to source.
  • Source viewer
    you can see all your source code which been executed.
  • Cross Request Tracking
    A unique request_id is auto inject in Cookie for track http request from frontpage to webservice api, just use a Redis logger can collecting logs from all your php web servers.



Install aop extension


pecl install aop-beta

php7.0 +

git clone https://github.com/pangudashu/AOP.git
cd AOP/
make && make install



if coredump ?

  1. change you aop extension version (the pecl version is stable than github)
  2. rebuild php

get phpio

download tarball

wget https://github.com/hemon/phpio/tarball/master -O phpio.tar.gz  
tar xvf phpio.tar.gz  

or git clone

git clone https://hemon@github.com/hemon/phpio

prepend phpio.php


auto_prepend_file = /path/to/phpio/phpio.php  


php_admin_value[auto_prepend_file] = /path/to/phpio/phpio.php

start profile

run you php programs with param _debug_phpio=1


for example : http://www.example.com/index.php?_debug_phpio=1

recommand firfox addon easy-xdebug, it can auto append user defined cookie param in request(default is _debug_phpio=1):

in php-cli mode, use export command to set param for $_SERVER

export _debug_phpio=1

view profile

make phpio/www is accessible:
