Simple midi to javascript ( actually coffee-script ) function mapper.
install instructions
npm install
make start
./node_modules/.bin/coffee app/start.cofee
how to use it
Once you run it and choose your midi device it will create a server at localhost:1337
Then add to your html file ( generally your index file? )
<script src="http://localhost:1337/"></script>
At the moment there is a very simple and just broadcast the deltaTime / midi message via, in short you can retrieve them with
socket = io.connect('http://localhost:1337')
socket.on 'message', ( data ) =>
message = data.message
type = message[0]
number = message[1]
value = message[2]
Shold be very easy to change the transport ( ) to something else
get in touch!
- If you feel interested by this project and want to develop this further
- have some nice ideas
- want to chat about it
- want me to come over and have a geeky session
just drop me a line:
$ happy patching
thanks to :
~ It gives me nightmares just to think how life could be without you -
~ without you this wouldn't be possible wire this all in less than 10 minutes -
~ that awesome module to do awesome prompts on the command line -
Dave Smith
~ For making something so good 30 years ago ( MIDI )