
Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

Drupal Installation with Ansible

This Ansible project automates the setup of a Drupal website on RHEL servers, including LAMP stack installation, Drupal CMS setup, and optional SSL configuration using Let's Encrypt certificates.

Project Structure

|-- ./gen_secrets.sh
|-- ./roles
|   |-- ./roles/drupal_install
|   |-- ./roles/lamp_install
|   |-- ./roles/user_setup
|   `-- ./roles/ansible-role-certbot
|-- ./main.yml
|-- ./vars
|   |-- ./vars/ssl_vars.yml
|   `-- ./vars/main.yml
|-- ./local.main.yml
|-- ./inventory
|   `-- ./inventory/hosts.ini
`-- ./README.md


  • ansible-role-certbot: Configures SSL certificates using Certbot.
  • drupal_install: Handles downloading, installing, and configuring Drupal, including database setup.
  • lamp_install: Installs and configures the Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP (LAMP) stack.
  • user_setup: Sets up initial server users and configurations.


  • Ansible installed on the control machine.
  • RHEL-based server for the target host.
  • Sudo access on the target server.
  • SSH Enabled + Key based authentication


Clone the Repository: Clone this repository to your local machine or Ansible control node.

Configure Inventory: Edit the inventory/hosts.ini file to include your server(s).

Set Up Variables:
- Edit vars/main.yml and vars/ssl_vars.yml to match your specific configuration needs. - Use gen_secrets.sh to generate and securely store necessary secrets.

Run the Playbook:

ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts.ini main.yml

For LocalHost Running:

ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts.ini local.main.yml

Customizing Your Installation

  • Drupal Configuration: Modify vars/main.yml to set Drupal-specific options such as domain and site name.
  • SSL Configuration: Enable or disable SSL certificate configuration through vars/main.yml and detail settings in vars/ssl_vars.yml.
  • LAMP Stack Configuration: Adjust PHP, Apache, and MySQL settings in roles/lamp_install/defaults/main.yml or vars/main.yml as necessary.


Contributions to this project are welcome. Please fork the repository and submit a pull request with your changes.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file in the ansible-role-certbot directory for details.

Final Notes

  • Adapt and Extend: This README is a starting point. Adjust and extend it as your project evolves, especially if you add new roles, features, or change how configurations are managed.
  • Documentation Best Practices: Keep your documentation up-to-date with your code. Clear, concise, and current documentation is crucial for effective collaboration and project use.
  • Markdown Formatting: Use Markdown formatting to enhance readability. GitHub and most Git platforms render README.md files using Markdown, allowing for structured, easily navigable documentation.