
This project aims to stream the video stored at server end to the client as per its request.

The entire process takes place as follows:

1.Client first sends a SETUP request to the server to establish a connection.The server records the address of the client.

2.The client sends PLAY request to the server.Server streams video to the client using Motion JPEG,which just sends JPEG frames successively.

3.Client can send a TEARDOWN request to close the connection.

It can also stream live video to the client.Just replace the line " = cv2.VideoCapture('video.mp4')"" to " = cv2.VideoCapture(0)".THe video captured by your webcam will be streamed to the client.

This application has been made using :




4.Python 2.7.6

Execution: First put the video you want to stream in 'server' folder.Then you also need to put the name of .mp4 video in ''.

1.SERVER END:On terminal, execute --> python

2.CLIENT END:On terminal ,execute --> python serverAddress serverPortNo

Tested on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS