
Notes App using Spring Boot

Primary LanguageJava

Notes App Backend


This project implements a robust RESTful API using Spring Boot with the following features:

  • JWT Token Authentication: Secure user authentication using JSON Web Tokens.
  • Rate Limiting and Request Throttling: Manage high traffic by limiting requests per user.
  • Search Functionality: Efficient keyword-based search for user notes.

API Endpoints


  • POST /api/auth/signup: Create a new user account.
  • POST /api/auth/login: Log in to an existing user account and receive an access token.

Note Management

  • GET /api/notes: Get a list of all notes for the authenticated user.
  • GET /api/notes/:id: Get a note by ID for the authenticated user.
  • POST /api/notes: Create a new note for the authenticated user.
  • PUT /api/notes/:id: Update an existing note by ID for the authenticated user.
  • DELETE /api/notes/:id: Delete a note by ID for the authenticated user.
  • POST /api/notes/:id/share: Share a note with another user for the authenticated user.


  • GET /api/search?q=:query: Search for notes based on keywords for the authenticated user.

Technologies Used

  • Spring Boot
  • PostgreSQL
  • JWT Token Authentication
  • Hibernate/JPA for Database

Spring Boot 3 RESTful API with PostgreSQL Setup

This guide provides step-by-step instructions to set up and run the Spring Boot 3 RESTful API with PostgreSQL and test it using Postman.


Before starting, ensure you have the following installed on your machine:


1. Download and Install Spring Boot 3

Download and install the Spring Boot 3 framework by following the official documentation: Spring Boot Installation Guide

2. Download and Install PostgreSQL

Download and install PostgreSQL by following the official documentation: PostgreSQL Installation Guide

3. Clone the Repository

Clone the Spring Boot 3 RESTful API repository from GitHub and open in an IDE:

git clone https://github.com/hendisantika/Notes-App.git

4. Configure PostgreSQL in application.properties


5. Run the application

cd NotesBackend
./mvnw clean spring-boot:run

6. Test with Postman

Open Postman and test the API endpoints.

Make sure that proper authentication bearer token is added to access notes.


  • SignUp SignUp

  • SignIn SignIn

  • Authentication Bearer Authentication Bearer

  • Get all Notes Get all Note

  • Get Note by NodeId Get Note by NodeId

  • Save Notes Save Notes

  • Update Notes Update Notes

  • Delete Notes by NodeId Delete Notes by NodeId

  • Search in note title/content Search in note title/content

  • Notes access denies if note is not owned by that user Notes access denies if note is not owned by that user