This script will give the vx ace extended external database support.
- Basic CRUD
- Tables with Auto-Increement
- Advanced search with ==,<=,>=,<,>,!=,*=(is_included?)
- Sort ASC, DESC
- Multiple databases
- ini parser
# getting version
# Create a table
# ---------------------
# First param = tablename
# Second param = table columns
# Third param = primary key have auto increement?
DB.create_table "persons",["id:primary","last_name","first_name","age"],true
# Clear a table
# ---------------------
DB.drop_table "persons"
# Insert a row into a table
# ---------------------
# First param = tablename
# Second param = row content (primary key should have just an empty string)
DB.insert "persons",["","Weiler","Hendrik"]
# Select some rows
# ---------------------
# First param = tablename
# Second param = whether row primary id, hash or "all"
# Third param = optional, you do "column asc" or "column desc"
# ---------------------
# will return an array of elements
DB.find "persons", {"last_name" => "Weiler"}
# will return the specific element
DB.find "persons", 2
# select multiple ids and returns an array of elements
DB.find "persons", [2,3,6]
# will return an array of elements
DB.find "persons", "all"
# will return an array of elements in descending order
DB.find "persons", {"last_name" => "Weiler"},"last_name desc"
DB.find "persons", {"age" => ">=20"},"last_name desc"
DB.find "persons", {"age" => ">20"},"last_name desc"
DB.find "persons", {"age" => "<=20"},"last_name desc"
DB.find "persons", {"age" => "<20"},"last_name desc"
DB.find "persons", {"last_name" => "!=Weiler"},"last_name desc"
DB.find "persons", {"last_name" => "*=ler"},"last_name desc"
# Editing rows
# ---------------------
myrow = DB.find "persons", 2
myrow.last_name = "Power"
myrow.first_name = "Max"
# use the save method to edit the row
# use the delete method to delete the row
# Set global variables in rpg maker
myrow = DB.find "persons", 2
# first param : var number, second param: value
DB.set_var 0, myrow.last_name
# Set all column values into global variables in rpg maker
myrow = DB.find "persons", 2
# first param : starting point, second param: result obj
DB.set_var_row 0, myrow
# now variable 0,1,2 are filled with the row values
# using configs class ini parser
value = DB.get_config "groupname.variable"
value2 = DB.get_config "variable"
# setting configs a new
DB.set_config "variable","some value"
# create a database
DB.create_database "some_database_name"
# select that database
DB.set_config "database.selected_db","some_database_name"
# interact with database directly
DB.find "database.table","all"
DB.insert "database.table",["a","b"]
DB.create_table "database.table",[..some colnames..]
DB.table_exists? "database.table"
# ...and so on
Now everything will be will be executed in "some_database_name" database.
If you want to test the script use the terminal.rb file inside the test directory. The requirement is that you have to have ruby installed.