This is an Example Project

It builts up a book exchange platform built in Ruby on Rails.


Run ‘bundle install` to install all dependencies. You are responsible to provide all of them - it won’t work otherwise.

Run ‘rake db:seed` to fill in demo data (optional).

Run ‘rails server ` to start the development server.

You CAN run some functional tests by entering ‘rake test` to see two example test cases that test the user controller. However, please note that I did not develop this thing test-driven, therefore there are no “real life” tests.

Open your browser of choice and head over to localhost:3000 and have fun.

You CAN log in using some credentials from the db:seed command (i.e. “john”, password: “john123”) or you can have some more fun using the register functionality.


Register via the register link. Add books you want to get rid of to your virtual library.

Wait for others to register. They will immediately see your enlisted books.

They (and you, on their books) hit “I want it!” on the book’s page to ping you (the others) and you two can get in touch. AWESOME.

Please note:

There is this cute heart icon. You can click on it to invoke the “take” functionality. It is intended to notify a books owner that you’re interested in taking his book. However, I have not implemented a hard core notification method. All “take” does is print “Foo wants to take the book Bar!” to the console!

Free and Open Source

This code is BSD Licensed. Use at own risk, comes as is.

All Icons were found at - I used free-for-commercial-use icons that did not require a back link. However, I used these icons:



Hendrik Bergunde <> 2012.