
This project allows to iterate over all grains that have some state(even nulled state) in persistence available. The iterator returns only the useable GrainId`s to prevent any activation of grains that are maybe unnessecary.


Package Information Version
Orleans.Iterator.Abstraction Core abstraction layer containing all interfaces and provider agnostic implementations used by the client. All Implementation Packages depend on this. Nuget
Orleans.Iterator.AdoNet Implements the Reader for the Ado.Net Providers. Nuget
Orleans.Iterator.Azure Implements the Reader for Azure Blob Provider. Nuget


Sample Explaination

Server Setup

To configure the server side to be able to use this package you need to use the correct extension to add the required configurations. The Sample shows all current Providers.

builder.UseOrleans((hostContext, siloBuilder) =>
        .UseAdoNetGrainIterator(o =>
            o.Invariant = adoNetInvariant;
            o.ConnectionString = adoNetConnectionString;
        .UseAzureBlobGrainIterator(o =>
            o.ConnectionString = azureStorageConnectionString;
            o.ContainerName = azureStorageContainerName;

Client Setup

To configure the client, you just need to call the 'UseIterator' Extension.

builder.UseOrleansClient(clientBuilder =>


To get a working async enumerator you just need to get a factory, which is used to request an iterator.

var iteratorFactory = host.Services.GetRequiredService<IIteratorFactory>();
var iterator = iteratorFactory.CreateIterator<IReverseGrain>(new[] 
    // Example for use with grain showing [GrainType("Reverse2")]
    // and grain constructor showing [PersistentState("Reverse","STORE_NAME")]
    new("Reverse2", "Reverse"),

await foreach (var entry in iterator)
    Console.WriteLine($"ID: {entry}");

Sample Projects:

  1. If you are only using one or the other of AdoNet or Azure Storage, comment out the unused storage types in Orleans.Iterator.Dev/program.cs and Orleans.Iterator.Dev.Server/program.cs.

  2. Open the .NET Secrets file for the Orleans.Iterator.Dev project and copy into it the contents of the Orleans.Iterator.Dev/secrets.template.json file.

  3. Edit the StorageType and ConnectionString properties in the file to match your storage configuration.

  4. Open the .NET Secrets file for the Orleans.Iterator.Dev.Server project and copy into it the contents of the Orleans.Iterator.Dev.Server/secrets.template.json file, editing in your own connection strings as appropriate.

  5. Edit the StorageType and ConnectionString properties in the file to match your storage configuration.

  6. Start the Orleans.Iterator.Dev.Server project, which host the example silo.

  7. Start the Orleans.Iterator.Dev project, which hosts the example client and uses the iterator to find grains.


Contributions in any way are appechiated (More providers, improvements, documentation or anything else). I Kindly ask you to create a Issue to talk about the planned changes or contact me directly on the Orleans Discord.