
A reporter for Jest which parses the coverage-, snapshot- and test-results to a Mocha Test Parser format

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Bamboo jest reporter

An Atlassian Bamboo reporter for Jest tests.

This reporter will generate test results for:

  • Jest tests
  • Coverage
  • Obsolete snapshots

Tests / coverage / snapshots can be separately disabled by environment variables:

  • JEST_REPORTER_ADD_TESTS=false (only report coverage and/or obsolete snapshots)
  • JEST_REPORTER_ADD_COVERAGE=false (do not report coverage drops)
  • JEST_REPORTER_SNAPSHOTS_ADD_OBSOLETE=false (do not report obsolete snapshots as a failure)

This project was started based on https://github.com/adalbertoteixeira/jest-bamboo-formatter


Install and add the reporter to the development dependencies in package.json:

npm i bamboo-jest-reporter --save-dev


Configure an npm test script for your project

Add the test npm script in your package.json

"scripts": {
    "test": "jest"

Jest configruation

Configuring Jest can be done either in a configuration file (default:'jest.config.js') or in 'package.json': https://jestjs.io/docs/en/configuration

Add reporter

Add the following line to your configuration to add this reporter:

reporters: [ "default", "bamboo-jest-reporter" ],

If you do not need the default Jest reporter (the default Jest reporter prints the Jest results in the bash/cmd-client)

reporters: [ "bamboo-jest-reporter" ],

Add coverage thresholds

To add code coverage thresholds, add the following block to the configuration:

coverageThreshold: {
    global: {
        branches: 100,
        functions: 100,
        statements: 100,
        lines: 100
Make Jest output coverage info

To include coverage: simply collectCoverage to the Jest config

collectCoverage: true

Or configure npm test to collect coverage as well

"scripts": {
    "test": "jest --coverage"

Sample configurations

module.exports = {
	collectCoverage: true,
	coverageDirectory: "coverage",
	reporters: [ "defaults", "bamboo-jest-reporter" ],
	collectCoverageFrom: [
	coverageThreshold: {
		global: {
			branches: 100,
			functions: 100,
			statements: 100,
			lines: 100
Alternative: package.json
jest: {
	collectCoverage: true,
	coverageDirectory: "coverage",
	reporters: [ "defaults", "bamboo-jest-reporter" ],
	collectCoverageFrom: [
	coverageThreshold: {
		global: {
			branches: 100,
			functions: 100,
			statements: 100,
			lines: 100


A mocha test report will be created (jest.json) after running:

npm test

You can disable:

  • reporting of Jest test-results: set an environment variable in your bamboo task JEST_REPORTER_ADD_TESTS=false
  • reporting of coverage: set an environment variable in your bamboo task JEST_REPORTER_ADD_COVERAGE=false
  • reporting of obsolete snapshots: set an environment variable in your bamboo task JEST_REPORTER_SNAPSHOTS_ADD_OBSOLETE=false

By default tests / coverage and obsolete snapshots are all reported. When all reporting is on, the following scenarios will be logged as failures:

  • When a Jest test fails
  • When the coverage thresholds are not met (only when configured in the jest-configuration)
  • When obsolete snapshots are found (if Jest snapshots are configured)

Prevent your Bamboo task from failing when the tests fail (exit 0):

#!/usr/bin/env bash
if ! npm test
    echo "The automated jest tests did not pass. Please check the tests-tab"
    exit 0

Make Bamboo fail by interpreting the test-results:

Add a 'Mocha Test Parser'-task to your bamboo-job. Set 'jest.json' as testfile pattern.