hendrikjoosten's Following
- AravinthPancharaCreate GmbH
- azerimaker@TheThingsIndustries
- BCX22Germany
- blenderskool@elevenlabs
- ctbUniversity of California, Davis
- davegaeddert@dropseed
- DeanIsMeAustralia
- dib-labUniversity of California, Davis, School of Veterinary Medicine, Davis, California, USA
- diegopenillaBerlin
- EleutherAIThe Internet
- fabiensanglardMountain View
- fastaiAustralia
- FuzzyNoodle
- geohot@commaai @tinygrad
- gradio-appMountain View, CA
- hishizukaJapan
- huggingfaceNYC + Paris
- infovoreLondon
- Lightning-AIUnited States of America
- lumalikUnic
- marijnhnot interested in recruiter mail
- MaxschaBerlin
- mjs513
- nevvkid@dadamachines
- NimaBoscarinohuggingface
- open-eng
- PaulStoffregenPJRC
- runwaymlNew York
- sabas1080@ElectronicCats
- samuelcolvin@pydantic
- shanselman@Microsoft
- Shark@kutespaces
- TatevKarenLunarTech
- tiangoloBerlin, Germany
- unit8coSwitzerland
- XRobots