
📊 zig benchmark

Primary LanguageZigMIT LicenseMIT

âš¡ zBench - A Simple Zig Benchmarking Library

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zBench is a simple benchmarking library for the Zig programming language. It is designed to provide easy-to-use functionality to measure and compare the performance of your code.

Install Option 1 (build.zig.zon)

  1. Declare zbench as a dependency in build.zig.zon:

        .name = "my-project",
        .version = "1.0.0",
        .paths = .{""},
        .dependencies = .{
    +       .zbench = .{
    +           .url = "https://github.com/hendriknielaender/zbench/archive/<COMMIT>.tar.gz",
    +       },
  2. Add the module in build.zig:

    const std = @import("std");
    pub fn build(b: *std.Build) void {
        const target = b.standardTargetOptions(.{});
        const optimize = b.standardOptimizeOption(.{});
    +   const opts = .{ .target = target, .optimize = optimize };
    +   const zbench_module = b.dependency("zbench", opts).module("zbench");
        const exe = b.addExecutable(.{
            .name = "test",
            .root_source_file = .{ .path = "src/main.zig" },
            .target = target,
            .optimize = optimize,
    +   exe.addModule("zbench", zbench_module);
  3. Get the package hash:

    $ zig build
    my-project/build.zig.zon:6:20: error: url field is missing corresponding hash field
            .url = "https://github.com/hendriknielaender/zbench/archive/<COMMIT>.tar.gz",
    note: expected .hash = "<HASH>",
  4. Update build.zig.zon package hash value:

        .name = "my-project",
        .version = "1.0.0",
        .paths = .{""},
        .dependencies = .{
            .zbench = .{
                .url = "https://github.com/hendriknielaender/zbench/archive/<COMMIT>.tar.gz",
    +           .hash = "<HASH>",

Install Option 2 (git submodule)

On your project root directory make a directory name libs.

  • Run git submodule add https://github.com/hendriknielaender/zBench libs/zbench
  • Then add the module into your build.zig
exe.addAnonymousModule("zbench", .{
    .source_file = .{ .path = "libs/zbench/zbench.zig" },

Now you can import like this:

const zbench = @import("zbench");


Create a new benchmark function in your Zig code. This function should take a single argument of type *zbench.Benchmark. The function would run the code you wish to benchmark.

fn benchmarkMyFunction(b: *zbench.Benchmark) void {
    // Code to benchmark here

You can then run your benchmarks in a test:

test "bench test" {
    const resultsAlloc = std.ArrayList(zbench.BenchmarkResult).init(test_allocator);
    var bench = try zbench.Benchmark.init("My Benchmark", test_allocator, .{ .iterations = 10 });
    var benchmarkResults = zbench.BenchmarkResults{
        .results = resultsAlloc,
    defer benchmarkResults.results.deinit();
    try zbench.run(myBenchmark, &bench, &benchmarkResults);
    try benchmarkResults.prettyPrint();


To customize your benchmark runs, zBench provides a Config struct that allows you to specify several options:

pub const Config = struct {
    iterations: u16 = 0,
    max_iterations: u16 = 16384,
    time_budget: u64 = 2e9, // 2 seconds
    display_system_info: bool = false,
  • iterations: The number of iterations the benchmark has been run. This field is usually managed by zBench itself.
  • max_iterations: Set the maximum number of iterations for a benchmark. Useful for controlling long-running benchmarks.
  • time_budget: Define a time budget for the benchmark in nanoseconds. Helps in limiting the total execution time of the benchmark.
  • display_system_info: Enable or disable displaying system information alongside the benchmark results.

Compatibility Notes

Zig is in active development and the APIs can change frequently, making it challenging to support every dev build. This project currently aims to be compatible with stable, non-development builds to provide a consistent experience for the users.

Supported Version: As of now, zBench is tested and supported on Zig version 0.11.0.

Benchmark Functions

Benchmark functions have the following signature:

fn(b: *zbench.Benchmark) void

The function body contains the code you wish to benchmark.

You can run multiple benchmark functions in a single program by using zBench.run for each benchmark function.

Reporting Benchmarks

zBench provides a comprehensive report for each benchmark run. It includes the total operations performed, the average, min, and max durations of operations, and the percentile distribution (p75, p99, p995) of operation durations.

benchmark              runs     time (avg ± σ)         (min ... max)                p75        p99        p995
benchmarkMyFunction    1000     1200ms ± 10ms          (100ms ... 2000ms)           1100ms     1900ms     1950ms

This example report indicates that the benchmark "benchmarkMyFunction" was run with an average of 1200 ms per operation with a 10ms standard deviation. The minimum and maximum operation times were 100 ms and 2000 ms, respectively. The 75th, 99th, and 99.5th percentiles of operation durations were 1100 ms, 1900 ms, and 1950 ms, respectively.

Running zBench Examples

You can run all example tests with the following command:

zig build test_examples


If Zig doesn't detect changes in a dependency, clear the project's zig-cache folder and ~/.cache/zig.


The main purpose of this repository is to continue to evolve zBench, making it faster and more efficient. We are grateful to the community for contributing bugfixes and improvements. Read below to learn how you can take part in improving zBench.

Contributing Guide

Read our contributing guide to learn about our development process, how to propose bugfixes and improvements, and how to build and test your changes to zBench.


zBench is MIT licensed.