
A Semantic Versioning library for Emacs. It provides functions to parse, format, manipulate and compare semantic version. It implements version 1 of the semantic versioning plus some common extensions that are found in the wild. See for details. All public functions can take either a string or a parsed instance.

Version formats

Versions with the following formats are accepted:

1.2.3-4 ; 4 is the build
1.2.3-beta ; beta is the pre-release

If the part following the first dash is a number (digits only) it is interpreted as a build number. All other cases are considered as pre-release. This includes the '1.0' in 1.2.3-1.0 for example.

Predicate formats

There are quite a few predicate notations out there. This library tries to be compatible with the node-semver package. Accepted formats are:

1.2.3      ; a literal version
=1.2.3     ; idem
>=1.2.3    ; every version bigger in any part than this is accepted.
>1.2.3     ; 1.2.3 doesn't match, but 1.2.3-1 does, or 1.2.4
~1.2.3     ; allows for increases in the patch component.
           ; NB. also matches any 1.2.3-prerelease (this behaviour is copied from node-semver)
~1.2       ; equal to ~1.2.0
~1         ; this is equal to 1 and does allow variation in minor as well.
1 - 2      ; accepts any version from the lowest accepted version of the first part
           ; until the highest accepted version of the second part
1.3 - 1.4  ; E.g. anything >= 1.3 and <= 1.5 will match.
1.x, 1.x.x ; same as '1'
1.2.x      ; same as 1.2
1.2 || 2.1 ; any of the above separated by || indicate one of them

Notes in semver 2

Combining semver 1 + common extensions and semver 2 can be tricky. The case with the buildnumber (1.2.3-2) might be seen as a prerelease according to semver 2. Also sorting is a problem, because in semver 1 the pre-release is sorted lexically, where in semver 2 it splits by dots and handles digit only identifiers as number.


Manually: put semver.el file in your load-path and (require 'semver).

El-get: Evaluate the following snippet and install with el-get-install.

(setq el-get-sources
 (cons '(:name semver
         :type github
         :pkgname "hendrikvanantwerpen/semver.el"
         :depends (s))


Copyright 2013 Hendrik van Antwerpen

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.