General Assembly's Data Science course in Washington, DC

Primary LanguagePython

DAT8 Course Repository

Course materials for General Assembly's Data Science course in Washington, DC (8/18/15 - 10/29/15).

Instructor: Kevin Markham

Tuesday Thursday
8/18: Introduction to Data Science 8/20: Command Line and Version Control
8/25: Data Reading and Cleaning 8/27: Exploratory Data Analysis
9/1: Visualization
Project Discussion Deadline
9/3: Machine Learning
Project Question and Dataset Due
9/8: Getting Data 9/10: K-Nearest Neighbors
9/15: Basic Model Evaluation 9/17: Linear Regression
9/22: First Project Presentation 9/24: Logistic Regression
9/29: Advanced Model Evaluation 10/1: Naive Bayes and Text Data
10/6: Natural Language Processing 10/8: Kaggle Competition, Draft Paper Due
10/13: Decision Trees 10/15: Ensembling
10/20: Regularization and
Clustering, Peer Review Due
10/22: Course Review
10/27: Final Project Presentation 10/29: Final Project Presentation

Before the Course Begins

  • Install Git.
  • Create an account on the GitHub website.
    • It is not necessary to download "GitHub for Windows" or "GitHub for Mac"
  • Install the Anaconda distribution of Python 2.7x.
    • If you choose not to use Anaconda, here is a list of the Python packages you will need to install during the course.
  • We would like to check the setup of your laptop before the course begins:
    • You can have your laptop checked before the intermediate Python workshop on Tuesday 8/11 (5:30pm-6:30pm), at the 15th & K Starbucks on Saturday 8/15 (1pm-3pm), or before class on Tuesday 8/18 (5:30pm-6:30pm).
    • Alternatively, you can walk through the setup checklist yourself.
  • Once you receive an email invitation from Slack, join our "DAT8 team" and add your photo.
  • Practice Python using the resources below.

Python Resources

Submission Forms