Thymeleaf dialect that integrates Togglz feature toggles ( and the Thymeleaf template engine (
- Thymeleaf
- 2.1.x (works with older 2.0.x versions - see remark regarding expression evaulation) - using thymeleaf-extras-togglz version 1.x
- 3.x - using thymeleaf-extras-togglz version 2.x
- Togglz 2.3.x (works with older 2.x versions)
Add an instance of com.github.heneke.thymeleaf.togglz.TogglzDialect to your Thymeleaf template engine. In your templates, you may now use
<div togglz:active="YOUR_FEATURE_NAME">
content only visible if feature is active
<div togglz:inactive="YOUR_FEATURE_NAME">
content only visible if feature is <b>inactive</b>
to show/hide the markup container based on feature state.
Optionally, you may add an XML namespace to your <html>
tag, to suppress warnings in your IDE:
<html lang="en"
Until recently, the expression processor for togglz:active did not support expressions. Since it does so now, you have to use
<div togglz:active="'YOUR_FEATURE_NAME'">
content only visible if feature is active
<div togglz:inactive="'YOUR_FEATURE_NAME'">
content only visible if feature is <b>inactive</b>
when using Thymeleaf 2.0.x. Thymeleaf 2.1 does support string literals without single quotes as explained in the usage section (see