Tech Dive Blog

A web application blog built using Django Web Framework.


  • user authentication
  • postgresql database
  • blog system - creating and deleting blog posts
  • a comment functionality so authenticated users can comment on posts
  • markdown html text formatting
  • search for posts by post title
  • password change and reset

Boostrap was used for the styling.

For the views, I utilized the power of Class Based Views and the flexibility of Function Based Views

Fork the project and clone into your local machine.

Create a virtual environment I used: python -m virtualenv virtualenv

Activate the virtual environment

cd virualenv/scripts


For clarity, the apps are placed in a dedicated 'apps' folder to ease workflow. The following code snipet allows the project to work just fine like nothing changed:

BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(BASE_DIR,'apps'))

Situated at the top part of the settings file. All imports should be done like normal. Example:

