
Tool to convert item_instance table's data blob to new extracted format for cMaNGOS

Primary LanguageGo

Item Instance data converter

Tool to convert the datablob in the item_instance table to extracted format. https://github.com/henhouse/ItemInstanceConverter

Instructions & Usage


This script should be run BEFORE applying the character-db SQL update. This tool will extract the current data inside the item_instance table and prepare it in the new format. It will output INSERT statements for each item to be put back in after you apply the cmangos character-db update, which will TRUNCATE the table.


  • Download and install the latest version of Go from Google.
    • Win10 users with Scoop can instead use: scoop install go
    • macOS users with Homebrew can instead use: brew install go
  • Run run.sh inside this folder a bash terminal (Linux/macOS) or Powershell (Windows) and follow the steps.


Inspired from: https://github.com/vmangos/ItemInstance