
Ruby implementation of the PrioTicket API

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Gem Version Dependency Status Code Climate

This gem works as a simple Ruby wrapper for the PrioTicket API. All the API functions are implemented.

Instead of working with JSON, you work with Ruby Classes and intuitive methods.

This gem communicates with the API Version 2.4.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'prioticket'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install prioticket


First, obtain an API key from PrioTicket. Set it up like this:

PrioTicket::Config.api_key      = "MY-API-KEY"
PrioTicket::Config.environment  = "test"

To use this gem in a Rails project:

# config/development.rb
config.prioticcket.api_key      = "MY-API-KEY"
config.prioticcket.environment  = "test"


The available classes and methods are listed below. General rule of thumb: all the naming is 100% consistant with the official API Documentation. So use PrioTicket::Booking.new(booking_name: 'John Doe', booking_email: 'john@example.net') instead of using the more intuitive PrioTicket::Booking.new(name: 'John Doe', email: 'john@example.com')

Important: the Reservation and Booking classes will only create a new reservation/booking in memory, when initialized (e.g. Reservation.new(...)). To submit it to the server, call save.


To list the available tickets, call:

@ticket_list = PrioTicket::TicketList.find(distributor_id: 1234, identifier: "my-unique-order-abc-123")
# Returns an object with a method `tickets`, which returns an array of tickets:
# => <PrioTicket::TicketList @tickets=[##<PrioTicket::Ticket @ticket_id=362, @ticket_title="100 Highlights  Cruise", @venue_name="Stromma Nederland", @txt_language="zh,ru,pt,nl,it,fr,de,es,en">, etc...]>


There are two ways to collect detailed information about a Ticket from the TicketList:

Find them using the find method

@ticket_details = PrioTicket::TicketDetails.find(distributor_id: 1234, ticket_id: 123, identifier: "my-unique-order-abc-123")
# => <PrioTicket::TicketDetails @ticket_id=1234, @ticket_title="100 Highlights  Cruise", @short_description="The No.1 Amsterdam canal cruise", etc...> 

Collect them via the parent object

@ticket_list = PrioTicket::TicketList.find(distributor_id: 1234, identifier: "my-unique-order-abc-123")
@ticket_details = @ticket_list.first.ticket_details
# => <PrioTicket::TicketDetails @ticket_id=1234, @ticket_title="100 Highlights  Cruise", @short_description="The No.1 Amsterdam canal cruise", etc...> 

So to get the tags from a certain TicketDetails, you can call:

# => ["Students", "Wheelchair accessible"]


# => "09:00:00"


The same goes for fetching availabilities:

  @availabilities = PrioTicket::Availabilities.find(distributor_id: 1234, ticket_id: 123, identifier: "my-unique-order-abc-123", from_date: Time.now, until_date: Time.now+(60*60*24*7))
  # or:
  @availabilities = @ticket_details.availabilities(from_date: Time.now, until_date: Time.now+(60*60*24*7))


To reserve a date, use the PrioTicket::Reservation class:

@reservation = PrioTicket::Reservation.new(
  identifier: "my-unique-order-abc-123",
  distributor_id: 1234,
  ticket_id: 123,
  from_date_time: @availabilities.first.from_date_time,
  to_date_time: @availabilities.first.to_date_time,
  booking_details: [{ticket_type: "ADULT", count: 1}],
  distributor_reference: "TEST_RESERVATION"
# at this point, the reservation is only made in memory, but not yet
# send to the PrioTicket server. To make in final, call `save`.

# => #<PrioTicket::Reservation @identifier="test-1522067114", @distributor_id=1234, @ticket_id=123, @from_date_time="2018-03-26T23:00:00+02:00", @to_date_time="2018-03-26T23:59:00+02:00", @booking_details=[#<OpenStruct ticket_type="ADULT", count=1>], @distributor_reference="TEST_RESERVATION", @booking_status="Reserved", @reservation_reference="YYY2067115376XXX">

# Cancel this reservation:
@reservation.booking_status #=> "Cancelled"

A direct way to cancel a reservation, is to call the class method .cancel:

  distributor_id: 1234, 
  reservation_reference: "YYY2067115376XXX",
  distributor_reference: "TEST_RESERVATION", 
  identifier: "my-unique-order-abc-123"


To make a booking, please take note of the official API Documentation: for tickets of type_2 and type_3, a from_date_time and to_date_time must be present.

Example code in section below.

Full example

All the steps are combined in the example below:

  1. Setup the API credentials
  2. Get a list of all the tickets/products
  3. Find out details of a specific ticket
  4. Get availability
  5. Make a booking
  6. Get status / cancel booking
# step 1
# config/development.rb (in case of Ruby on Rails App)
config.prioticcket.api_key      = "MY-API-KEY"
config.prioticcket.environment  = "test"

# Code below goes in a controller or model, handling the application logic

# step 2
@ticket_list = PrioTicket::TicketList.find(distributor_id: 1234, identifier: "test-123")

# step 3
@ticket = @ticket_list.tickets.first.details
#=> <PrioTicket::TicketDetails> includes name, prices, etc.

# step 4
# method defaults to 3 weeks ahead, you can provice from_date_time and to_date_time
@available_times = @ticket.availabilities

# step 5 - book first available time
@booking = PrioTicket::Booking.new(
  identifier: "test-123",
  distributor_id: 1234,
  booking_type: {
    ticket_id: @ticket.ticket_id,
    booking_details: [{
      ticket_type: "ADULT",
      count: 2,
      extra_options: []
  booking_name: "John Doe",
  booking_email: "john@example.com",
  contact: {
    address: {
      street: "Amstel 1",
      postal_code: "1011 PN",
      city: "Amsterdam"
    phonenumber: "0643210123"
  notes: ["This is a test booking"],
  product_language: "en",
  distributor_reference: "ABC123456"

# the booking is now made in memory, but not yet final
# => false

# => <PrioTicket::Booking> object, with status and barcodes

# => true

# => false
# => true

@booking.booking_reference # => 123ABC456XYZ

# another way to ask for the status of a booking:
@booking = PrioTicket::Booking.get_status(
  identifier: @booking.identifier,
  distributor_id: DIST_ID, 
  booking_reference: "123ABC456XYZ", 
  distributor_reference: "ABC123456
@booking.status # => "Cancelled"


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/henkm/prioticket.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License. No rights can be derrived from using this library.

This gem is made with love by the smart people at Eskes Media B.V. and DagjeWeg.NL Tickets PrioTicket is not involved with this project and has no affiliation with Eskes Media B.V.