
A simple set of scripts for the New Matter Mod-T 3d printer

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

First and foremost:

USE THESE SCRIPTS AT YOUR OWN RISK! These scripts aren't very well tested and almost none of them are completely finished. They work to interface with the printer but it's all very manual.

Overview and license

This is a basic set of utility scripts to interface with the New Matter Mod-T 3d printer on Linux. You are free to fork and contribute as you see fit. This work falls under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more information. I must also credit /u/modtdev on reddit for the work on getting the gcode sent to the Mod-T.


  1. dfu-util (only for maintenance)
  2. python3
  3. python3-pyusb (python3 -m pip install pyusb)


First, I recommend creating a udev rule for the Mod-T similar to the following:

    SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="2b75", ATTR{idProduct}=="0002", GROUP="users", MODE="0674"
    SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="2b75", ATTR{idProduct}=="0003", GROUP="users", MODE="0674"

In the above I have everyone in the users group enabled, however you can restrict access as needed. This allows a regular user to run the scripts and still have them operate as intended.

To interact with the ModT-printer just mark modt.py as executable or invoke it with python3 modt.py. A list of available commands can be retrieved with python3 modt.py -h. The tool will print the printers status every 5 seconds in an endless loop to console unless you set the --no-status-loop argument.

flash_firmware.sh requires one argument specifying the DFU-update file.

If you do choose to use these scripts to print things by sending gcode, monitor the output of the send_gcode command until you see STATE_JOB_QUEUED as the printer status. If you press the front panel button prior to seeing this state you will have a broken print job, which will not print correctly.