Fullstack Course 01: BTC Ticker Project

Welcome to the first project of the Fullstack Course 2019. This is one of the projects that we'll work on, and it will evolve along the way with new assignments building on top of what's done.

Project description

BTC Ticker will be a web app that displays the current price of Bitcoin and other coins. The user will be able to add and remove coins from the dashboard. The dashboard should be responsive and allow as many coins to be added as possible.

How will it work?

  • This repository will contain the project in its entirety
  • You will have to fork the project to your own Github
  • Assignments will be posted as an Issue in this repository (look under the Issues tab)
  • Regardless of project description you will only focus on what the Issue describes. This will be a customer need and you will need to solve it
  • You will work on your own local copy of the code residing on your machine and commit it and push it your forked version of this repository
  • When you feel you have completed the Assignment/Issue you will commit and push your code, and then from your repository on Github Create a pull request to this repository. Then I will review what's been done and approve it or request changes to be done before I can approve it
  • Upon approval of a Pull Request I will post another Issue with new customer needs.
  • Each Issue will come with a deadline for the work to be approved

If you have any questions or remarks, then please post a comment on the issue at hand

Technology stack

  • React
  • Latest Javascript
  • Git
  • Visual Studio Code


01: Getting started