
Project to reproduce NetBeans bug http://netbeans.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=197983

Primary LanguageJava

This is a project to help the NetBeans devs reproducing the following bug:


Update: The bug is closed now, this project will stay here for possible regressions and historical reasons.

== Reproduce ==

To reproduce, do the following:

git clone https://github.com/hennr/NetBeansDupplicateClassMergeBug.git
cd NetBeansDupplicateClassMergeBug

open the project in NetBeans

git checkout conflict
git checkout master
git merge conflict
git mergetool
// will open meld for example, accept changes as you like for both files, should make no difference

// rm the *.orig files afterwards
rm src/main/java/name/hennr/netbeansdupplicateclassmergebug/*.orig

NetBeans should now have trouble with the class Bar or Foo
depending on which version you accepted (ours, theirs or one and one).

"duplicate class: name.hennr.netbeansdupplicateclassmergebug.Foo"