
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


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Python wrapper for getting data asynchronously from Growatt inverters via serial RS232/RS485 connection and modbus RTU protocol.

The implementation is based on Growatt Inverter Modbus RTU Protocol V1.20.

Tested with inverters:

  • SPH 10000 TL3 BH


Depending on the firmware version of your inverter, not all attributes might be available

Holding register attributes

  • serial_number
  • model_number
  • firmware

Input register attributes

Attribute Register Unit Description Misc
battery_charge 1011 kW Battery charging
battery_charge_lifetime 1058 kWh Battery charged total
battery_charge_today 1056 kWh Battery charged today
battery_discharge 1009 kW Battery discharging
battery_discharge_lifetime 1054 kWh Battery discharged total
battery_discharge_today 1052 kWh Battery discharged today
battery_voltage 1013 V Battery voltage
consumption Calc kW Consumption {photovoltaics} + {battery_discharge} + {import_from_grid} - {export_to_grid} - {battery_charge}
consumption_lifetime Calc kWh Consumption total {photovoltaics_lifetime} + {battery_discharge_lifetime} + {import_from_grid_lifetime} - {export_to_grid_lifetime} - {battery_charge_lifetime}
consumption_today Calc kWh Consumption today {photovoltaics_today} + {battery_discharge_today} + {import_from_grid_today} - {export_to_grid_today} - {battery_charge_today}
export_to_grid 1029 kW Export to grid
export_to_grid_lifetime 1050 kWh Export to grid total
export_to_grid_today 1048 kWh Export to grid today
grid_frequency 37 Hz Grid frequency
grid_voltage 38 V Grid voltage
import_from_grid 1021 kW Import from grid
import_from_grid_lifetime 1046 kWh Import from grid total
import_from_grid_today 1044 kWh Import from grid today
inverter_temperature_1 93 °C Inverter temperature
inverter_temperature_2 94 °C The inside IPM in inverter Temperature
inverter_temperature_3 1040 °C Battery temperature
local_load 1037 kW Inverter local load
local_load_lifetime 1062 kWh Inverter local load total
local_load_today 1060 kWh Inverter local load today
photovoltaics 1 kW Photovoltaics (PV) generation
photovoltaics_1 5 kW Photovoltaics (PV) 1
photovoltaics_1_lifetime 61 kWh Photovoltaics (PV) 1 total
photovoltaics_1_today 59 kWh Photovoltaics (PV) 1 today
photovoltaics_1_voltage 3 V Photovoltaics (PV) 1 voltage
photovoltaics_2 9 kW Photovoltaics (PV) 2
photovoltaics_2_lifetime 65 kWh Photovoltaics (PV) 2 total
photovoltaics_2_today 63 kWh Photovoltaics (PV) 2 today
photovoltaics_2_voltage 7 V Photovoltaics (PV) 2 voltage
photovoltaics_lifetime 91 kWh Photovoltaics (PV) generation total
photovoltaics_today Calc kWh Photovoltaics (PV) generation today {photovoltaics_2_today} + {photovoltaics_1_today}
self_consumption Calc kW Self Consumption {consumption} if {export_to_grid} > 0 else {system_production}
statement_of_charge 1014 % Statement of charge (SOC), capacity
system_production Calc kW System Production {photovoltaics} + {battery_discharge} - {battery_charge}
system_production_lifetime Calc kWh System Production total {photovoltaics_lifetime} + {battery_discharge_lifetime} - {battery_charge_lifetime}
system_production_today Calc kWh System Production today {photovoltaics_today} + {battery_discharge_today} - {battery_charge_today}
system_production_with_battery_lifetime 1139 kWh System production total (including battery)
system_production_with_battery_today 1137 kWh System production today (including battery)

How to use the package

import asyncio
import logging
from sys import argv

from growatt_client.growatt import GrowattClient

# defaults
# USB port of RS232/RS485 converter
DEFAULT_PORT = "/dev/ttyUSB0"
# Growatt modbus address


async def main():
    port = str(argv[1]) if len(argv) > 1 else DEFAULT_PORT
    address = int(argv[2]) if len(argv) > 2 else DEFAULT_ADDRESS
    growatt_client = GrowattClient(
        attributes=["import_from_grid_today", "local_load_lifetime"],
        data = await growatt_client.async_update()
        print(f"Sensors data: {data}")
    except Exception as error:
        print("Error: " + repr(error))

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()