

Primary LanguageJava

Little project exposing an issue while creating a class extending one from the JDK.

Run the tests

Use JDK 11 and then to ./mvnw test.


The tests are

  • Creating a proxy of a class by extending it using ByteBuddy
  • Instantiate it without any constructor using Objenesis
  • Set a public field that was added by ByteBuddy using a MethodHandle

We have 2 test flavors:

  • StandardTest is just a normal test
  • PowerMockTest is using a PowerMock running which plays with class loader to allow bytecode instrumentation

Then we are trying to mock

  • Timestamp from the java package in the JDK
  • BoxLayout from the javax package in the JDK
  • Is from another library (hamcrest)
  • App from our code

And we try permutations of these two things:

  • The proxy is created in the package of the original class or in pro.tremblay.accessdenied.internal package
  • The proxy is created in the class loader of the original class or in the ClassFactory class loader

It works except

Standard tests

  • The field can't be set on BoxLayout. We get java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.IllegalAccessException: no such field: javax.swing.BoxLayout$$$MyThing15.$callback/pro.tremblay.accessdenied.Data/putField when staying in the original class loader
  • The field can't be set on Timestamp. We get java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.IllegalAccessException: no such field: java.sql.Timestamp$$$MyThing15.$callback/pro.tremblay.accessdenied.Data/putField when staying in the original class loader
  • The class Timestamp can't be created when keeping the package but moving to another class loader. We get java.lang.IllegalStateException: java.lang.SecurityException: Class loader (instance of): 'app' tried to load prohibited package name: java.sql

PowerMock tests

  • We can the no such field on Is when staying in the original class loader
  • Same for Timestamp
  • Timestamp also can't be created when keeping the package but moving to another class loader


The goal is to detect which class works with which usage. The tests named wiseXXX are supposed to do that. They should return the right class loader and package for a given class.