
spring backend. mysql localhost.

Primary LanguageJava

Getting Started

Reference Documentation

For further reference, please consider the following sections:


The following guides illustrate how to use some features concretely:

Create database. Create user for Spring. Grant a ton of privileges.

        create database rentapp_db; -- Creates the new database
        create user 'springuser'@'%' identified by '5DCm4pTweKaF5'; -- Creates the user

        grant all on rentapp_db.* to 'springuser'@'%'; -- Gives all privileges to the new user on the newly created database

add new Resident to db

curl localhost:8080/demo/addResident -d firstName=Demar -d lastName=DeRozan -d email=kingofthefourt@buckets.com -d mobilePhone=312-555-1234

add new Landlord to db

curl localhost:8080/demo/addLandlord -d firstName=Lebron -d lastName=James -d email=ohiokid@nba.com -d mobilePhone=312-555-5678

update email for Resident

curl -X POST "localhost:8080/demo/updateResidentEmail?recordId=1&email=demo@bulls.com"

update email for Landlord

curl -X POST "localhost:8080/demo/updateLandlordEmail?recordId=1&email=demo@bulls.com"