
📽 View an RTSP stream in your web browser using an express.js server

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

📽 RTSP Relay

Build Status npm version

This module allows you to view an RTSP stream in your web browser using an existing express.js server.

Internally, this module uses websockets to create an endpoint in your web server (e.g. /api/stream) which relays the RTSP stream using ffmpeg. On the client side, JS-MPEG is used to decode the websocket stream.

The module handles all the complications that unreliable connections introduce:

  • if the connection between server <=> RTSP stream is disconnected, it will automatically be reconnected when available
  • if the connection between client <=> server is disconnected, the client will keep trying to reconnect
  • if multiple clients connect, only one instance of the RTSP stream is consumed to improve performance (one-to-many)


npm install -S rtsp-relay express

You don't need to install ffmpeg!


const express = require('express');
const app = express();

const { proxy } = require('rtsp-relay')(app);

const handler = proxy({
  url: `rtsp://admin:admin@`,
  // if your RTSP stream need credentials, include them in the URL as above
  verbose: false,

// the endpoint our RTSP uses
app.ws('/api/stream', handler);

// this is an example html page to view the stream
app.get('/', (req, res) =>
  <canvas id='canvas'></canvas>

  <script src='https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/phoboslab/jsmpeg@9cf21d3/jsmpeg.min.js'></script>
    new JSMpeg.Player('ws://' + location.host + '/api/stream', {
      canvas: document.getElementById('canvas')


Open http://localhost:2000 in your web browser.