Lua Planter findings

The Lua planter was an indigogo campaign that delivered some devices but failed and was quickly abandoned by the original author.

The device needed the web app at for configuration, but that site is down. By luck I have the PWA cached locally, so I can still access it. But I don't know for how long.

I have managed to extract some of the files from the PWA, which are available in the source directory. Notably sw.js is missing.

Generated QR codes

Some QR codes are generated from the PWA and decoded using the decoder in order to try to reverse engineer the QR code generation.



41 14 d0 f0 e0 17 38 62   fc a7 bf 53 a7 57 9e d8
9c cf c0 ec 11 ec 

7px 10/100% 6/60k lux 0/40C

qr code 1

41 15 30 f0 70 02 80 a6   40 00 07 01 70 00 00 00
00 00 00 ec 11 ec 

7px 10/100% 6/60k lux 0/5C (C end changed to 5)

qr code 2

                x x
41 15 30 f0 70 00 50 a6   40 00 07 01 70 00 00 00
00 00 00 ec 11 ec 

7px 10/100% 6/60k lux 35/40C (C start changed to 35)

qr code 3

             x x
41 15 30 f0 72 32 80 a6   40 00 07 01 70 00 00 00
00 00 00 ec 11 ec 

7px 10/100% 6/37 lux 0/40C (lux end changed to 37)

qr code 4

                                 x xx
41 15 30 f0 70 02 80 a6   40 00 00 30 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 ec 11 ec 

7px 10/100% 47k/60k lux 0/40C (lux start changed to 47k)

qr code 5

                           x xx xx xx
41 15 30 f0 70 02 80 a6   43 b1 26 11 70 00 00 00
00 00 00 ec 11 ec 

7px 10/20% 6/60k lux 0/40C (% end changed to 20)

qr code 6

                      x          x xx
41 15 30 f0 70 02 80 a1   40 00 06 11 70 00 00 00
00 00 00 ec 11 ec 

7px 90/100% 6/60k lux 0/40C (% start changed to 90)

qr code 7

                   x             x xx
41 15 30 f0 70 02 85 a6   40 00 06 11 70 00 00 00
00 00 00 ec 11 ec

30px 10/100% 6/60k lux 0/40C (px end changed to 30)

qr code 8

            x                   x  xx
41 15 30 f1 e0 02 80 a6   40 00 06 11 70 00 00 00
00 00 00 ec 11 ec

30px 25/50% 2k/60k lux 5/30C (Sweet Basil)

qr code 10

41 15 30 f1 e0 51 e1 93   2c 80 07 01 70 00 00 00
00 00 00 ec 11 ec