Job Log - Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions


By using "Job Log", you agree to our Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy. I invite you to fully read this page and make sure you understand its content prior to using "Job Log".

Job Log: Terms of Use & Privacy Policy

The app is made available to you on an “as in”, with all faults and “as available” basis. I cannot guarantee that the app will function or maintain the same level of service in the future. That is applicable for both free and paid users.

Please read this section carefully since it limits the liability of "Job Log". By downloading "Job Log", your use of the app is at your own discretion and risk. "Job Log" makes no claims or promises with respect to the quality, the accuracy or reliability of the app, its safety or security, or its content.


"Job Log" does not collect any user data.

Changes and Updates

If "Job Log" makes changes to Terms and Conditions or Privacy Policy, these changes will be posted on this page in a timely manner. Henrik Abel Christensen reserve the right to modify these terms & conditions and/or privacy policy at any time, so please review it frequently (at least on every app update).