
Lightweight Objective-C wrappers around Google Places Autocomplete and Details APIs

Primary LanguageObjective-COtherNOASSERTION


GOPlacesAutocomplete combines two Google Places API endpoints into a single Objective-C wrapper. The wrapper allows using the autocomplete API as well as the Places Details API, one for getting the initial place information (completing from a query) and the other to get full information, including the geographic location.


GOPlacesAutocomplete operates with a simple value object, called GOPlace, which you can either create directly by using the reference string from Google or by using GOAutocomplete to fetch a list of GOPlaces for a query.

// GOPlacesAutocomplete
GOPlacesAutocomplete *autocomplete = [[GOPlacesAutocomplete alloc] init];

// Further configuration if needed, see -type and -region

[autocomplete requestCompletionForQuery:query completionHandler:^(NSArray *places, NSError *error) {
	// Handle response

// GOPlaceDetails
GOPlaceDetails *details = [[GOPlaceDetails alloc] init];

// Assuming place is a GOPlace instance
[details requestDetailsForPlace:place completionHandler:^(GOPlace *detailedPlace, NSError *error) {
	// Handle response

Google API Key

None of the APIs GOPlacesAutocomplete wraps allows anonymous requests, thus a proper API key has to be defined for the requests to succeed. API keys can be defined per instance with the ability to define a default per API.

// Per API approach
[GOPlaceDetails setDefaultGoogleAPIKey:key];
[GOPlacesAutocomplete setDefaultGoogleAPIKey:key];

// Per instance
GOPlaceDetails *details = ...;
[details setGoogleAPIKey:key];

GOPlacesAutocomplete *autocomplete = ...;
[autocomplete setGoogleAPIKey:key];


Both GOPlaceDetails and GOPlacesAutocomplete instances support NSProgress by reporting the progress of their network request.

Cancellation is supported, but pausing is not. Cancellation is handled as if -cancelRequest had been called.

The network traffic is mostly minimal (i.e usually the data arrives in a single chunk), but due to latency the process may take a while, thus progress reporting was added.


Simply add the files in the GOPlacesAutocomplete folder to your project:

  • GOPlace.{h,m})
  • GOPlaceDetails.{h,m}
  • GOPlacesAutocomplete.{h,m}

GOPlacesAutocomplete works on both OS X and iOS, with minimal differences (CLRegion vs CLCircularRegion being the most obvious when it comes to GOPlacesAutocomplete). The wrapper requires OS X 10.9 and iOS 7 respectively.


Each GOPlaceDetails and GOPlacesAutocomplete instance can handle at most one request at a time, again following a similar pattern from CLGeocoder. Thus in order to start a new request the previous one should be cancelled via -cancelRequest method. Keep in mind that cancelling might take a moment and that the completion handler of the previous call will get invoked no matter what.


Henri Normak


GOPlacesAutocomplete is licensed under the MIT license, see LICENSE file for more info.