
Applescript Application for automation of filling invoice templates in Microsoft Word 2008


Autoword is an Applescript Application project for automation of filling invoice templates in Microsoft Word 2008.

Autoword was created to process a list of word document files based on a data set.

This project intend to serve as base to solve similar automations.


  • Manipulate a list of word document files based on the same data set.
  • Generate PDF versions of the processed files.
  • Output files are named in a logic manner to easy backup and administration.
  • Cocoa interface to gather the data for the templates.

Features you could add

  • User should be able to define the template containing folder.
  • Autoword should prepare an e-mail with the generated files attached.

Installation and Setup

  1. Copy the sample letter-template.docx from the templates folder to your Microsoft Word 2008 template folder: ~/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/Office/User Templates/My Templates/
  2. Open autoword.xcodeproj
  3. Make your adaptations
  4. Build it and run


This project is licensed under the GNU GPL v2.

The bag_green icon is part of the Glossy Ecommerce Pack created by Eoin McGrath at Starfish Web Consulting

Project Help

If you need help you can contact me by mail at henrique at bastos dot net.