
A generic environment built with genetic algorithm for experiments on populations (colony) of creatures (individuals)

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Creature Population

A generic environment built with genetic algorithm for experiments on colony (population) of individuals (creatures)


  • language Typescript
  • persistence No persistence for while
  • engine Node in memory for while
  • infra Local
  • interface CLI


  • Create class Entity
  • Create class Service
  • Create class Orchestrator
  • Refactor log messages
  • Show all entity`s information somehow
  • Run one turn at time
  • Terminal interface to interact (yargs)
  • Implement the first application of the concept with a simple creature population
  • Remove unused packages
  • Export as a module
  • Add Stering behavor
  • Make functions removable of each entity
  • Remove cartesian helper
  • Better names for services
  • Add action behaivor
  • Refactor all log messages (add message level and type to better toogle them)
  • Make all automated tests again (after the ruge action refactoring)
  • Centralize fixed parameters
  • Make a kind of EoE test
  • Run lint and test on PR
  • Add some kind of persistence
  • Add posibility of go turns back and forth (persist every turn and entities state)
  • Make a cli project to test new ideas (new repo)
  • Make an interface project to test new ideas (new repo)
  • Change the executors objects to lists on orchestrator object (this way many executors can be added, each one to its own purpose)
  • Export an import like a real npm package
  • Export the project as umd (to be used as any js file on html) or as commonjs (to be used as a node package)

Creature Idea

  • Start with n creatures
  • All creatures move (naturaly)
  • Each Creature have diferent maxspeed
  • Creature will Kill or heal (unified)
  • Creature action: Hurt or heal only creatures that are close (diferent ranges), can miss if the other walks away
  • Creature will: Decide creatures target based on kill or heal desire

Superhero Idea

  • Start with n creatures, one Hero and one Villain
  • Creature will Avoid hurt it self; As much as it is hurt, more it avoids taking damage
  • Creature action Move
  • Hero Attibute Really Fast
  • Hero Attibute More life
  • Hero Will Heal Someone <=> Kill Villain
  • Hero Action Hurt (damage in area); Some kind of a laser
  • Hero Action Heal someone; only from clos distance an heals not so much
  • Villain Atribute More Life
  • Villain Will Hurt Someone X Avoid Hero
  • Villain Action Hurt (damage in area); Some kind of an auria
  • Villain Action Teleport

Bomberman Idea (in another project for while)

  • Start with n bombermen
  • Bomberman Will: desire to plant a bomb
  • Bomberman Action: Plant a bomb
  • Bomb Action: Explode; Aply damage on every bomberman on the range


  • language GO (Because of the idea of some process that never stops)
  • entity types inheritance + external modules
  • entity fields all generic
  • interface like a game
  • events turn everything in an event, since worlds creation
  • event execution with Moleculerjs
  • event execution with API WS
  • persistence Postgres
  • persistence Postgres
  • infra docker and docker-compose
  • log papertrail or something like that