
A swift color library.

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


License Swift Carthage compatible



github "dylan/colors"


Not supported. It's too convoluted.

Coming Soon...

  • Perceptual functions - What colors can work when viewed with other's and in certain situations?
  • Harmonic functions - Inverse, Triadic, Analogous, etc.


import Colors

let color1 = Color(red: 1.0, green: 1.0, blue: 1.0)

let color2 = Color(redInt: 255, greenInt: 255, blueInt: 255)

let color3 = Color(hex: 0xffffff)

color1 == color2 // true
color2 == color3 // true

var dinerGreen = Color(hex: 0x37ecbd)

dinerGreen.hsl.hue        // 164.4199
dinerGreen.hsl.saturation // 0.826484
dinerGreen.hsl.lightness  // 0.5705882

dinerGreen.rgb.red   // 0.2156863
dinerGreen.rgb.green // 0.9254902
dinerGreen.rgb.blue  // 0.7411765

dinerGreen.hex       // 4281855165
dinerGreen.hexString // "#37ecbd"

dinerGreen.hueShifted(45).view  // On iOS/Mac a View with a soft blue square.

/// Colors also has a few color lists available...

Resene.copperFire // #915345

XKCD.acidgreen    // #8ffe09

X11.all.count     // 140