
ESLint config to keep your code sharp like a sword

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A fully-structured project structure for writing Node with TypeScript


Actually, this project uses the following eslint rules

  • eslint:recommended - Official set of rules by ESLint
  • eslint-config-airbnb-base - Airbnb ESLint config without React rules


In order to get started, just run yarn (or npm) to install all the required dependencies to run your application (All the core dependencies are devDependencies, avoiding unnecessary code and keeping your bundle size as small as possible)


Run yarn build to lint, transpile, and minify your entire application to production-ready vanilla JavaScript


In order to check if your code is properly optimized, formatted and matches ESLint rules, run yarn lint, it will scan all files with a .ts extension on src, and also, will run the TypeScript Compiler (tsc) to check for inconsistencies on your code