
Generate a race classification based on a race log file

Primary LanguageGo

Race Result

This project has the objective of read a race file (race_log.txt) and generate a final classification ordered by position and generate some metrics about that.

Getting started


To run this application you must have installed this following tools:

Note: *Golang is required only to generate the coverage of application.

Executing the application

To execute this application you just need to follow the steps bellow:

1 - Clone project repository:

$ git clone https://github.com/henriqueholanda/race-result.git

2 - Building the application

$ make build

Note: This command may spend some time to complete, mainly when you run for the first time, because it will download all Docker images that project needs from Docker Store.

3 - Run application

$ make run

Note: It will show a log of execution that you can follow the running steps

Application output

To see the application output you need to open the file race_result.csv in a editor of your preference.

Run tests

To run test you just need to run the following command:

$ make test

Note: You must need to build project before it.

Generating coverage

To generate coverage you just need to run the following command:

$ make coverage

Note: You must need to have Golang installed on your machine and build project before it.


Henrique Holanda

The challenge

You can see the challenge requirements in this file: CHALLENGE