
//  88888888888           ad88888ba   88888888888  
//  88                   d8"     "8b  88           
//  88                   Y8,          88           
//  88aaaaa  ,adPPYYba,  `Y8aaaaa,    88aaaaa      
//  88"""""  ""     `Y8    `"""""8b,  88"""""      
//  88       ,adPPPPP88          `8b  88           
//  88       88,    ,88  Y8a     a8P  88           
//  88       `"8bbdP"Y8   "Y88888P"   88888888888  

Pedro {Paredes, Ribeiro} - DCC/FCUP

Version Information

FaSE Version 1.0 - Launched 30 January 2016

Compilation and Usage

To compile the Source Code use the make command (at least on Linux). If you wish to cleanup extra compilation files run the command make clean.

To use the FaSE software run ./FASE -h to display a small help information with instructions on what arguments should be provided.

Main Settings: ./FASE -s <Subgraph Size> -i <input file> [arguments...]

All commands:

-h : Displays this help information
-s <Integer> : Subgraph Size
-i <Filename> : Name of input file (Format in Readme)
-d : Directed Subgraph (Default undirected)
-o : Name of output file (Default is stdout)
-dt : Detailed Result (Displays all subgraph types and occurrences)
-z : Use 0-based input (Suitable for input files starting at node 0)
-tm : Use Adjacency Matrix LS-Labeling (Default is Adjacency List Labeling)
-l : Use Adjacency List Only (Suitable for Large Scale or large networks [>10^5 nodes])
-q : Ignore arguments and prompt input

Main Settings for StreamFase: ./FASE -s <Subgraph Size> -i <input file> -Sf <updates file> [arguments...]

Additional commands for StreamFase and StreamFase (Batches):

-Sf : Name of file with updates (in an edge list format: (A/R) v1 v2 , where 'A' is for edge additions and R is for edge removals. Ex: A 1 2\nR 1 2)
-Rs : Use FaSE to recompute a census for every update instead of StreamFaSE (for validation of results or time comparison)
-Bs : Batch size. Applies updates in the updates file in batches of size Bs
-B : Activates StreamFase (Batches). 

Example of usage:

./FASE -s 3 -i Networks/Stream_networks/Undirected/email_original.edges -Sf Networks/Stream_networks/Undirected/email_updates.edges -z

Calculates the initial census on email_original and applies every update in email_updates with StreamFase.

./FASE -s 3 -i Networks/Stream_networks/Undirected/email_original.edges -Sf Networks/Stream_networks/Undirected/email_updates.edges -z -Bs 100

Same as before but applies updates in batches of 100 updates.

./FASE -s 3 -i Networks/Stream_networks/Undirected/email_original.edges -Sf Networks/Stream_networks/Undirected/email_updates.edges -z -B -Bs 100

Same as before but instead of using StreamFase for every update in the batch, applies all updates in each batch using StreamFase (Batches)

Note: If you want to start with an empty network, the input file should only contain an edge between MAX_VERTICES + 1 MAX_VERTICES + 2 (see email_original)

Note2: Code may contain artifacts of sampling but they are not currently working in this version. Please do not attempt to use sampling.

Input Information

The inputed networks should be in an edge list format, meaning that the input file should only contain lines with information about an edge, starting with node 1 or 0 (can be specified in the arguments) and with all edges from 0/1 to <Number of edges> - 1 / <Number of edges> being used.

Folder Information

The main folder contains all source files from the FaSE Source Code, this Read Me file and two folders. The "nauty" folder contains the code from Brendan McKay's Nauty algorithm for isomorphism tests. The "Networks" folder contains the used networks in the process of testing the FaSE algorithm, organized by "Undirected" and "Directed" folders straightforwardly in .edges files as described above (1-based).

Extra Information

The Source Code was developed and tested on a Linux environment, however it should work on other OSs too.

This Source Code was developed along the following articles:

This software uses the nauty program version 2.4 by Brendan McKay. Therefore, nauty's license restrictions apply to the usage of FaSE.

Website Link


The Source Code was created by Pedro Paredes and Pedro Ribeiro from CRACS & INESC-TEC DCC-FCUP, Universidade do Porto, Portugal. StreamFase was created by Henrique Branquinho and Luciano Grácio.

Their contacts are: