
Socket application in GOlang using TCP and UDP protocols

Primary LanguageGo

Tcp + Udp sockets in Golang!

Authors: Henrique Kops (@henriquekops) & Carlo Laitano (@carloj123)

This project is a simple representation of socket level communication using .net golang's package for transporting files through TCP and UDP protocols.

How to use

At poject's root directory setup the project:

# for linux
$ make setup-linux

# for windows
$ make setup-windows

Then, alter .env file:

$ nano .env

# alter the fields
# HOST=<HOST:string>
# PORT=<PORT:string>

Then run the project with:

$ ./main

When missing arguments, the below message should be printed:

$ Usage of ./main:
    -mode string
      	Start mode - {client, server} (default "server")
    -network string
      	Transport layer - {tcp, udp} (default "tcp")

Feel comfortable for re-building the project with the command:

$ go build main.go

Be a ninja and use golang

Enjoy! ;)