
Projeto de uma rede social de receitas - Campus Code

Primary LanguageCSS

Social Recipes - Henrique

This project was developed on Campus Code, to exercise our Ruby on Rails knowledge.

Social recipes is a social network where the users register a new recipe and his friends could search for your or other registered recipes.

Technologies to develop this project:

Technology Purpose
Ruby on Rails To develop our models, views and controllers
Rspec, Capybara, Factory Girl For great tests
Devise User login and register form
Paperclip Image upload
Sqlite3 To run the aplication in test and development mode
Postgre Production database
Heroku Also deployed on Heroku
Docker You can also run in a docker, check Dockerfile and docker-compose files

Work in progress:

  • Creat users
  • Creat recipes register form
  • Search for types of recipes
  • User edit/delete his own recipes
  • Picture upload
  • Filter all recipes by cookery
  • Filter all recipes by food type
  • User mark many recipe as favorites

Social recipes in action:

Social Recipes on Heroku
