
Benchmarking a When class, based on Laravel's Conditionable When trait

Primary LanguagePHP

When Class benchmarking

Hey there! This repository groups a benchmark of a When class implementation.

This implementation derives from a sample copy of Laravel's Conditionable trait..

I'm using the fantastical phpbench to measure data.

How to run?

This code only runs on environments with PHP >= 8.0! Why? Because PHP 7.4 is reaching his EOL. So, migrate over 8.x family and be happy. You could learn more about the supported versions here.

You will need composer too, because he's doing all the namespace magic under the hood for us.

Oh, you didn't know about composer? Take a look on this blogspot!

Cloning it

You will need to clone the repository, so, go ahead! Have some fun using git command line interface (a.k.a CLI).

Installing it

Once you got a composer's copy, run this command on your local repository clone.

composer install

This will install the dependency phpbench on your environment, and create the vendor/autoload.php file.

Using it

You can run the benchmarks on your system using the following command:

composer phpbench

The result will have a similar display to this:

NOTE: Those are mine results, on a Macbook Pro M1 2020, 8GB RAM.

@php vendor/bin/phpbench run --report=aggregate
PHPBench (dev-master) running benchmarks... #standwithukraine
with configuration file: /Users/henrique/Projects/benchmark/phpbench.json
with PHP version 8.1.10, xdebug ❌, opcache ❌


doWhenClauseWithCallbackOnlyFilled......I49 -  Mo0.107μs (±1.04%)
doWhenClauseWithCallbackBeingCalled.....I49 -  Mo0.130μs (±1.02%)
doWhenClauseWithDefaultCallbackBeingCal.I49 -  Mo0.133μs (±0.81%)
doWhenClauseWithIfEarlyReturn...........I49 -  Mo0.133μs (±0.68%)
doWhenClauseIfWithoutEarlyReturn........I49 -  Mo0.134μs (±1.29%)
doWhenClauseWithNestedWhen..............I49 -  Mo0.270μs (±0.53%)

Subjects: 6, Assertions: 0, Failures: 0, Errors: 0

| benchmark | subject                                    | set | revs  | its | mem_peak  | mode    | rstdev |
| WhenBench | doWhenClauseWithCallbackOnlyFilled         |     | 10000 | 50  | 676.616kb | 0.107μs | ±1.04% |
| WhenBench | doWhenClauseWithCallbackBeingCalled        |     | 10000 | 50  | 676.616kb | 0.130μs | ±1.02% |
| WhenBench | doWhenClauseWithDefaultCallbackBeingCalled |     | 10000 | 50  | 676.648kb | 0.133μs | ±0.81% |
| WhenBench | doWhenClauseWithIfEarlyReturn              |     | 10000 | 50  | 676.600kb | 0.133μs | ±0.68% |
| WhenBench | doWhenClauseIfWithoutEarlyReturn           |     | 10000 | 50  | 676.616kb | 0.134μs | ±1.29% |
| WhenBench | doWhenClauseWithNestedWhen                 |     | 10000 | 50  | 676.600kb | 0.270μs | ±0.53% |

Contact me

Anything else? Just drop a message on my LinkedIn.
