
A CLI to generate utils files for new projects.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Make Repository

CI Coverage PyPI version

mkrp is a command-line tool for initial configuration of tools for a new repository.

mkrp was designed to speed up the creation of configurations that I (the author, @henriquesebastiao) commonly use in my projects (Python preferably). If you see any use in this, feel free to use it and improve it if you want.


The CLI is available on PyPI and can be installed using pip or pipx:

pipx install mkrp


The following command creates the following configurations:

  • .gitignore file for Python projects
  • GitHub Actions for Python projects that perform the integration tasks are listed below.
  • Add development tool settings to pyproject.toml for Python projects

Tools configured for Python projects:

  • ruff - Linting
  • blue - Formatting
  • isort - Sorting imports
  • mypy - Static type checking
  • radon - Code complexity checking
  • bandit - Security checking
  • pydocstyle - Docstring checking
  • pytest - Testing
  • taskipy - Task runner
mkrp python

Also configuring a license for the repository with the flag -l or --license:

mkrp python -l

By default, the MIT license will be configured.


  • The .gitignore file is generated with the gitignore.io api
  • GitHub Actions CI configurations are configured according to the following model:
on: [ push, pull_request ]

name: CI

    name: Checks
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
        python-version: [ 3.12 ]
        check: [ ruff, blue, isort, pydocstyle, radon, mypy, bandit ]

      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
        uses: actions/setup-python@v5
          python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
      - name: Install Dependencies
        run: |
          python -m pip install --upgrade pip
          pip install poetry
          poetry config virtualenvs.create false
          poetry install
      - name: Run checks
        run: |
          task ${{ matrix.check }}
  • The development tool settings are configured in the pyproject.toml file according to the following model:
ignore_missing_imports = true
check_untyped_defs = true

profile = "black"
line_length = 79

line-length = 79
indent-width = 4

"__init__.py" = ["F403", "F401"]
"tests/*" = ["F401", "F811"]

pythonpath = "."
python_files = "test.py tests.py test_*.py tests_*.py *_test.py *_tests.py"

ruff = "ruff check ."
blue = "blue --check . --diff"
isort = "isort --check --diff ."
mypy = "mypy -p <YOUR-PROJECT>"
radon = "radon cc ./<YOUR-PROJECT> -a -na"
bandit = "bandit -r ./<YOUR-PROJECT>"
pydocstyle = "pydocstyle ./<YOUR-PROJECT> --count --convention=google --add-ignore=D100,D104,D105,D107"
lint = "task ruff && task blue && task isort"
format = 'blue .  && isort .'
quality = "task mypy && task radon && task pydocstyle"
pre_test = "task lint"
test = "pytest -s -x --cov=<YOUR-PROJECT> -vv"
post_test = "coverage html"
export-requirements = "rm requirements.txt && poetry export -f requirements.txt --output requirements.txt --without-hashes"
ready = "task lint && task quality && task bandit && pytest -s -x --cov=<YOUR-PROJECT> -vv && task export-requirements"


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.