
This repository is about how to run a bot in aws to make the FEI college online presence

Primary LanguagePython



The objective of this project is to automate the daily feedback of the FEI college.

🚀 How to run on AWS

In order to run the bot on aws follow the next steps:

  1. Configuring credentials
  • Insert your username and password of FEI in the file bot.py
  1. Configuring Lambda

    • Go to functions in Lambda page

    • Click in create function button on top right

    • Click in Layers, click in Create a layer

    • Insert a name and upload the file chrome_headless.zip, this file is in the repository that you cloned

    • Add the layer

    • Copy the code of bot.py and paste in code source

    • Go to configuration in General Configuration change the Timeout to 3min and change the memory to 1000

  2. Configuring trigger

    • Go to Cloud Watch, click in Events and Rules
    • Create a rule
    • Change the con expression to match your study time, be carefull the time used is in GMT, to convert to our local our in Brazil, add 3 hours to the hour that you want
    • for each different time, create a new rule and link to the lambda function in targets