
Example of how to use the AQM test framework

Primary LanguagePython

Example usage of the AQM test framework

This demonstrates the use of https://github.com/henrist/aqmt

Getting started using Docker

Make sure you fulfill all the dependencies listed at the aqmt repository. The following description should normally be all you need.

This should work on a clean Ubuntu 17.04 install:

Follow https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/linux/ubuntu/ to install Docker CE. On Ubuntu 17.04 you might need to change the target distribution from zesty to yakkety for Docker in /etc/apt/sources.list, because official zesty support will become stable in June 2017.

Follow https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/ to install docker-compose.

Follow https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/linux/linux-postinstall/ to be able to use Docker without sudo. (Note that this is similar to having full sudo access all time for that user.)

sudo apt install \
  g++ \
  libpcap-dev \

git clone https://github.com/henrist/aqmt-example.git
cd aqmt-example

Cloning dependency repos and building dependencies

The Makefile will clone the required repositories, build and load the schedulers, and build other dependencies inside the aqmt project.


As we are going to use Docker, also run:

make aqmt_docker

This might take some time, as it will build the Docker image including our needed packages, compile iproute2, and add other utilities.

Run Docker containers and connect to AQM container

Start the Docker containers in a seperate terminal:

make start_docker

If everything goes well, you will now have 6 running Docker containers. Go back to your first terminal.

SSH into the AQM container:

make ssh_aqm

You are now inside the Docker container! The aqmt-example repository you have cloned, is now available in /opt/testbed, and you should be at that directory. Note that files you add outside of these directories will not be visible to you outside Docker!

The aqmt repository is available in /opt/aqmt, and you should have access to all the programs and variables we are using.

You can try this by:


Running a test

While you are connected with SSH to the AQM container, start tmux, which is a terminal multiplexer allowing us to have multiple terminals:


You can now run the example test. For fun, we run it interactivly so we can look what is going on. This is why we need tmux.

TEST_INTERACTIVE=1 ./example.py

Accept to start the test.

When the test is finished, you can have a look inside results/example directory which will contain all the test data, as well as plottings from the test!

Now feel free to edit the example and design your own tests.

Here is an image showing you a test in progress:

Test in progress

Graph comparing the tests:

Comparison of tests

And to be able to get an understanding of what happened during a test, all tests generate a flow plot. Here is the one for fq_codel with 50 Mbps and 50 ms base RTT:

Flow plot of fq_codel 50 mbit and 50 ms base RTT