Henri Marcelo B. Tomas, MS EE Student

BS ECE Graduate - MS EE Student, Majoring in AI and Computer Vision

Electrical and Electronics Engineering Institute, University of the Philippines

Research interests: AI, Vision, Speech, Language, and Robotics

Major Projects


1. Gaze-On-Objects

Role: Researcher and Author

The Gaze-on-Objects (GOO) dataset consists of synthetic and real images of people looking at objects in a retail environment. The dataset is used for traning and evaluation on the task of Gaze Object Prediction: given a single image with a person and this person's head location, the object beng gazed at must be determined.

GOO_real and synth

2. CitySim PH

Role: Researcher

The CitySim PH project aims to create a simulated environment for training self-driving vehicles and UAVs to navigate around urban streets in the Philippines. My role was to establish the groundwork for this project by building the simulator using open-source software and framework. The sample shown below is using said simulator for generating an image dataset with steering wheel angle of the car as the ground truth.

CitySim Demo

3. Binarized-MobileNet SSD

Role: Researcher

An undergraduate thesis on converting lightweight object detection networks (SSD-MobileNet) into partial binary neural networks (BNNs) to achieve faster inference times on limited compute (CPU only).

Binary SSD

Toy Projects


4. Nonlinear Data Augmentation for Improving Object Detection Performance

Code available: henritomas/keras-yolo3-nlmixup

5. DeepJ-Mood: A variant of the DeepJ model for mood-specific music generation

Code available: henritomas/DeepJ

6. Deriving ThunderNet from Faster R-CNN written with Keras

Code available: henritomas/thundernet-frcnn-with-keras