Minesweeper AI solver that interfaces with minesweeperonline.com with OpenCV
Also works with the original winmine.exe (download here)
Solver | Deterministic | Expert solve rate |
OH (Buffet et al. 2013) | No | 38.7 % |
This solver | Yes | 38.0 % |
cSimEnuLoClf (Legendre et al. 2012) | Yes | 37.5 % |
CSP (Studholme 2000) | Yes | 33.9 % |
CSCSP (Becerra 2015) | Yes | 32.9 % |
- Fast screenshot with mss
- Fast tile recognition with histograms
- Brute force search as Minesweeper is NP-complete
- Solve based on Minesweeper as a Constraint Satisfaction Problem with coupled subsets
- First tile clicked is corner tile
- Simple search
- Number of mines = value on tile - number of flags adjacent to tile
- If number of mines == len(adjacent tiles): all adjacent tiles are mines
- If number of mines == 0: all adjacent tiles are safe tiles
- Group search
- If one group (consisting of all unopened tiles adjacent to one tile) is a subset of another group:
- If they have the same number of mines:
- The difference between them are safe tiles
- If the subset has X less mines than the other group and X == size of group that is the difference between them are safe tiles:
- The difference between them are mines
- If they have the same number of mines:
- If one group (consisting of all unopened tiles adjacent to one tile) is a subset of another group:
- Subgroup search
- For each group:
- Create a 'no more than' subgroup
- Create an 'at least' subgroup
- Perform safe and mine checks between each group and subgroup
- For each group:
- Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP) search
- Couple constraints together into a subset if they share a common variable
- Solve for solutions to the coupled subset
- Eliminate solutions with more mines than remaining mines
- Calculate probability of a tile in subset being mine-free (based on all its possible solutions)
- Calculate no of possible combinations of bombs with remaining tiles given a solution (use this as weight)
- Calculate probability of an unconstrained tile being mine-free
- Position of unconstrained tile in the order of corner, edge then internal tile
- Neural network for tile classification
- Multithreading for faster solve
- Simulate locally
- Modify
- Run
- Left click on upper left hand corner of board
- Left click on lower right hand corner of board
Side notes:
- Press 'b' to terminate midway through loop
- Modify
if you want it to remember the position of the board - Modify
and setbenchmark_runs = x
runs of the benchmark
- pynput
- pyautogui
- opencv-python
- mss
- numpy
- keyboard