UPDATE: The Israeli health ministry just launched a contact tracking with local GPS data storage here
Instead of physically imposing isolation to every person, business and family, my proposal (with the help of God), is that every person should share as much as possible information to track in real time every contact with other people, with enough data to trace a clear and repetitive pattern of movement, including any change on this pattern. Based on the data uploaded to the server, AI models will rank every user risk level, and work like a "WAZE", helping users to avoid contact with other users that are in a higher risk level.
The ideal system would be a decentralized autonomous machine, solving the privacy concerns, where data is encrypted and owned by the user, but to save lives, probably many countries would agree to give up privacy, until the pilot is moved to an autonomous blockchain system.
Using game theroy fundamentals, we could achieve the nash-equilibrium using gamification for sharing data, where govs and donors could even give bonus/payments for the shared data. It could work even better than policy or fines as a reinforcment as explained by Skinner in this video.
To optimize economic activities, and avoid a full lockdown, we should aim to isolate healthy cities, to not become contaminated and also isolate contaminated cities, in order to avoid contamination to other cities. Once cities need to receive and send products, a buffer zone should be created in order to avoid contamination, i.e. trucks depoisit food into the city's buffer, and the respective city supermarket truck will load the deposited food to bring it to the super market.
Users will upload every data that can be used to trace his network and physical movement.
Mobile Users Data
- GPS position: Upload their GPS to the blockchain database.
- Telehpone calls: Upload phone list calls
- List of friends and common visited places
- Bluetooth radar: In every physical approximation, a bluetooth will send the user UUID to other users, so we can trace contacts inside any building.
- Corona Symptoms Updates: (Fever, difficult of breathing, etc...): Upload any sign of a Corona symptom.
- Age, health conditions, etc...: The user profile is an important factor to define if the user can spread the virus without having symptoms.
- List of infected users
- GEO positions and time of infected users, example:
- passengers on flight LY381 on February 21, which took off from Israel at 6:00a.m., and passengers on flight LY385 which landed in Israel on February 23 at 4:10p.m.;
- the "Hapirat Ha'adom" (red pirate) toy store in Or Yehuda, on Sunday, February 23 between 6:00-10:00p.m.; on Monday, February 24 between 8:30a.m. and midnight; and on Tuesday, February 25, between 8:30a.m. and midnight;
- at the synagogue on Noga Street in Moshav Irus, on February 24, between the hours of 6:00-7:00a.m.
- Cross infected user tracing contacts retroactively and alert users that their risk level changed.
- Optimize user risk levels dynamically
- Change recomendations dynamically, depending on their risk level, i.e. high risk users will receive new recomendations, depending on the spreading level, optimization targets, age, and other factors.
- User risk meeting modeling: users will be able to see the risk level of other users.
- Every user will receive a risk level rank, dynamically and in real time
- Depending on the risk level, AI optimization will soften of open movement, i.e. high risk should be at home, medium risk, only to use car, and go to buy in specific stores, low risk, sit with until 5 people together.
- Augmented reality: users will be able to see other users rank, and keep the correct distance, depending on the risk they want to get.