
The playbook and report for my NSSA 713 project on creating an auto scaling architecture in AWS with ansible


Ansible playbook that creates an auto scaling infastructure in aws.

Before running put your ami keys in amiKeys.yml replacing the current info:


ami_access: "GFGHDSFSSDFGHKKDQgibberish"
ami_secret: "jkfasdfadflhKJadsadHDLFHDHisdf//+sgibberish"

Then encrypt it with:

ansible-vault encrypt amiKeys.yml

Then replace the info in regionInfo.yml with the info of your aws project:

#your keypair
keypair: "someKeyPairName"
#your security group
group: "sg-asd34f3e"
#the subnet you want to use, found in the vpc menu
subnetID: "subnet-adsfa243223"
#the region of the subnet you are using
regi: "us-east-1"

Run with

ansible-playbook autoscale.yml --ask-vault-pass