To view the project:

  git clone
  cd henryhedges_hilton_code_assessment

Assessment 1

The index.html file will need to be loaded in your browser.

After navigating to henryhedges_hilton_code_assessment, you can do this one of two ways:

1) Navigate to the Assessment_1/index.html file in Finder or your filesystem and open it in Chrome.


2) In your Terminal:

cd Assessment_1

Then print your directory with pwdand copy the results.

If you are on a mac, take that result and add it to this command.

open -a "Google Chrome" [[[[ your pwd result ]]]]/index.html

If you are not on a mac, open Chrome and paste the result into the url bar.

Assumptions and code considerations are listed in Assessment_1/

Assessment 2

To take a look at the UI:

Navigate to the Assesment_2 folder.


  npm i
  npm start

Once all the dependencies have been downloaded and your Next.js server is running, go to localhost:3000 in your browser.

To run the code tests:

npm run test

Assumptions and code considerations are listed in Assessment_2/