

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Setup for training

This assumes access to OntoNotes 5.0. ./setup_training.sh <ontonotes/path/ontonotes-release-5.0> $data_dir. This preprocesses the OntoNotes corpus, and downloads the original (not finetuned on OntoNotes) BERT models which will be finetuned using train.py.

  • Experiment configurations are found in experiments.conf. Choose an experiment that you would like to run, e.g. bert_base
  • Note that configs without the prefix train_ load checkpoints already tuned on OntoNotes.
  • Training: GPU=0 python train.py <experiment>
  • Results are stored in the log_root directory (see experiments.conf) and can be viewed via TensorBoard.
  • Evaluation: GPU=0 python evaluate.py <experiment>. This currently evaluates on the dev set.

Batched Prediction Instructions

  • Create a file where each line similar to cased_config_vocab/trial.jsonlines (make sure to strip the newlines so each line is well-formed json):
  "clusters": [], # leave this blank
  "doc_key": "nw", # key closest to your domain. "nw" is newswire. See the OntoNotes documentation.
  "sentences": [["[CLS]", "subword1", "##subword1", ".", "[SEP]"]], # list of BERT tokenized segments. Each segment should be less than the max_segment_len in your config
  "speakers": [["[SPL]", "-", "-", "-", "[SPL]"]], # speaker information for each subword in sentences
  "sentence_map": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], # flat list where each element is the sentence index of the subwords
  "subtoken_map": [0, 0, 0, 1, 2]  # flat list containing original word index for each subword. [CLS]  and the first word share the same index
  • clusters should be left empty and is only used for evaluation purposes.
  • doc_key indicates the genre, which can be one of the following: "bc", "bn", "mz", "nw", "pt", "tc", "wb"
  • speakers indicates the speaker of each word. These can be all empty strings if there is only one known speaker.
  • Run GPU=0 python predict.py <experiment> <input_file> <output_file>, which outputs the input jsonlines with an additional key predicted_clusters.


  • The current config runs the Independent model.
  • When running on test, change the eval_path and conll_eval_path from dev to test.
  • The model_dir inside the log_root contains stdout.log. Check the max_f1 after 57000 steps. For example 2019-06-12 12:43:11,926 - INFO - __main__ - [57000] evaL_f1=0.7694, max_f1=0.7697
  • You can also load pytorch based model files (ending in .pt) which share BERT's architecture. See pytorch_to_tf.py for details.

Important Config Keys

  • log_root: This is where all models and logs are stored. Check this before running anything.
  • bert_learning_rate: The learning rate for the BERT parameters. Typically, 1e-5 and 2e-5 work well.
  • task_learning_rate: The learning rate for the other parameters. Typically, LRs between 0.0001 to 0.0003 work well.
  • init_checkpoint: The checkpoint file from which BERT parameters are initialized. Both TF and Pytorch checkpoints work as long as they use the same BERT architecture. Use *ckpt files for TF and *pt for Pytorch.
  • max_segment_len: The maximum size of the BERT context window. Larger segments work better for SpanBERT while BERT suffers a sharp drop at 512.