
Back porting features contained in newer versions of ColdFusion.

Primary LanguageColdFusion

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Author: David "Mister Dai" Boyer
Website: http://misterdai.wordpress.com
Version: 0.7
Contributors: Henry Ho, David Epler

| Description        |

This project aims to make at least some functions from newer versions of Adobe
ColdFusion avilable in older versions.  For example, SessionInvalidate() is new
to CF10 but undocumented features make it possible in at least CF8+, possibly
even CF7.

Each set of functions is wrapped within an "if" statement to make sure they
aren't loaded if the version already supports them.

| Requirements       |

Functions should work in at least ColdFusion 8+.  Where possible I've tried to
avoid using newer syntax or functions

If ColdFusion is patched with APSB11-04 or higher, ESAPI is available for 
Encode and Decode functions.
APSB11-04+ installs ESAPI 1.4.4 for CF8.0.x and ESAPI 2.0_rc10 for CF9.0.0/1
CF9.0.2 already has ESAPI 2.0_rc10 installed

| Usage              |

Include the file cfbackport.cfm where you'd like the functions to appear.  Keep
in mind that if you are operating within a CFC, you'll need to include them
there to make use of them.

<cfinclude template="cfbackport.cfm" />

| Functions          |

	* Backported from CF10 for CF9 and CF8

		DecodeForHTML			(David Epler) [requires ESAPI 2.0+]
		DecodeFromURL			(David Epler)
		EncodeForCSS			(Henry Ho)
		EncodeForHTMLAttribute	(Henry Ho)
		EncodeForJavaScript		(Henry Ho)
		EncodeForURL			(Henry Ho)
		EncodeForXML			(David Epler)
		HMac				(David Epler)
	* Backported from CF9 for CF8
		throw				(David Epler) [required for DecodeFromURL]

| Unit Tests         |

Unit tests were created with MXUnit 2.1.1

	* As written (of course) CF10 passes them all
	* CF9.0.x with APSB11-04+ - 13 success, 0 error, 1 failure
	 * Failure is due to ESAPI version difference
	* CF8.0.x with APSB11-04+ - 9 success, 1 error, 4 failure
	 * Failure and Error is due to ESAPI version difference