
An end-to-end MEAN stack template project with a pre-configured build system.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT



An end-to-end MEAN stack template project with a pre-configured build system. The project contains the following:

  • A mongo instance that starts when the code is run.
  • Mongoose MongoDB schema support, an example is in the models directory.
  • Starting of the express server and initialisation of NodeJS, see the server.js file.
  • RESTful service support, an example is in the routes directory.
  • AngularJS single page application, sample code in the public directory.
  • AngularJS ui-router support, see the public/modules directory.
  • SASS support, see the public/modules/scss directory.
  • Foundation for Apps HTML/CSS framework, see http://foundation.zurb.com/apps/.


The Gulp build system will only work correctly on *nix machines (i.e. Linux and Mac). On Windows it is advisable to install VirtualBox and run a Linux VM to utilise this codebase.

Installation on Ubuntu 14.04

Install global dependencies:

  • Install java: sudo apt-get install default-jre
  • Install git: sudo apt-get install git
  • Install nodejs: sudo apt-get install nodejs
  • Setup symbolic link due to node name clash: sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node
  • Install npm: sudo apt-get install npm
  • Install mongodb: sudo apt-get install mongodb
  • Install node global modules: sudo npm install -g bower gulp protractor
  • Install the latest version of the selenium web driver: sudo webdriver-manager update

Clone the project and install local dependencies:

  • Clone the repository : git clone https://github.com/dscook/mean-stack-starter.git
  • Change to the project base directory: cd mean-stack-starter
  • Install node local modules: npm install
  • Install front-end dependencies: bower install


To run the code, note that changes in the back and front-end code will be reflected when utilising this command:

  • gulp

Naviate to localhost:8080 in a browser to view the app.

To run the end-to-end system tests:

  • gulp tests

Known Issues

  • On bower install the following error is thrown: Error: EACCES, permission denied '<path-to-home-dir>/.config/configstore/bower-github.yml' You don't have access to this file.

Running the following command, replacing <username> and <path-to-home-dir> with the appropriate values, should resolve the issue.

sudo chown -R <username>:<username> <path-to-home-dir>/.config/configstore/