
a Gradle plugin for orchestrating docker builds and pushes.

Primary LanguageGroovyApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Docker Gradle Plugin

Build Status Gradle Plugins Release

This repository provides three Gradle plugins for working with Docker containers:

  • com.palantir.docker: add basic tasks for building and pushing docker images based on a simple configuration block that specifies the container name, the Dockerfile, task dependencies, and any additional file resources required for the Docker build.
  • com.palantir.docker-compose: adds a task for populating placeholders in a docker-compose template file with image versions resolved from dependencies.
  • com.palantir.docker-run: adds tasks for starting, stopping, statusing and cleaning up a named container based on a specified image

Docker Plugin

Apply the plugin using standard gradle convention:

plugins {
    id 'com.palantir.docker' version '<version>'

Set the container name, and then optionally specify a Dockerfile path, any task dependencies and file resources required for the Docker build. This plugin will automatically include outputs of task dependencies in the Docker build context.

Docker Configuration Parameters

  • name the name to use for this container, may include a tag
  • tags (optional) an argument list of tags to create; any tag in name will be stripped before applying a specific tag; defaults to the empty set
  • dockerfile (optional) dockerfile to use for building the image; defaults to ${projectDir}/Dockerfile
  • dependsOn (optional) an argument list of tasks that docker builds must depend on; defaults to the empty set
  • files (optional) an argument list of files to be included in the docker build context; if this parameter is omitted, all files in ${projectDir} are included
  • buildArgs (optional) an argument map of string to string which will set --build-arg arguments to the docker build command; defaults to empty, which results in no --build-arg parameters
  • pull (optional) a boolean argument which defines whether Docker should attempt to pull a newer version of the base image before building; defaults to false

To build a docker container, run the docker task. To push that container to a docker repository, run the dockerPush task.

Tag and Push tasks for each tag will be generated for each provided tags entry.


Simplest configuration:

docker {
    name 'hub.docker.com/username/my-app:version'

Configuration specifying all parameters:

docker {
    name 'hub.docker.com/username/my-app:version'
    tags 'latest'
    dockerfile 'Dockerfile'
    dependsOn tasks.distTar
    files 'file1.txt', 'file2.txt'
    buildArgs([BUILD_VERSION: 'version'])
    pull true

Managing Docker image dependencies
The `com.palantir.docker` and `com.palantir.docker-compose` plugins provide
functionality to declare and resolve version-aware dependencies between docker
images. The primary use-case is to generate `docker-compose.yml` files whose
image versions are mutually compatible and up-to-date in cases where multiple
images depend on the existence of the same Dockerized service.

### Specifying and publishing dependencies on Docker images

The `docker` plugin adds a `docker` Gradle component and a `docker` Gradle
configuration that can be used to specify and publish dependencies on other
Docker containers.


plugins {
    id 'maven-publish'
    id 'com.palantir.docker'


dependencies {
    docker 'foogroup:barmodule:0.1.2'
    docker project(":someSubProject")

publishing {
    publications {
        dockerPublication(MavenPublication) {
            from components.docker
            artifactId project.name + "-docker"

The above configuration adds a Maven publication that specifies dependencies on
`barmodule` and the `someSubProject` Gradle sub project. The resulting POM file
has two `dependency` entries, one for each dependency. Each project can declare
its dependencies on other docker images and publish an artifact advertising
those dependencies.

### Generating docker-compose.yml files from dependencies

The `com.palantir.docker-compose` plugin uses the transitive dependencies of the
`docker` configuration to populate a `docker-compose.yml.template` file with the
image versions specified by this project and all its transitive dependencies.
The plugin uses standard Maven/Ivy machanism for declaring and resolving

The `generateDockerCompose` task generates a `docker-compose.yml` file from a
user-defined template by replacing each version variable by the concrete version
declared by the transitive dependencies of the docker configuration.  The task
performs two operations: First, it generates a mapping `group:name --> version`
from the dependencies of the `docker` configuration (see above). Second, it
replaces all occurrences of version variables of the form `{{group:name}}` in
the `docker-compose.yml.template` file by the resolved versions and writes the
resulting file as `docker-compose.yml`.


Assume a `docker-compose.yml.template` as follows:

  image: 'repository/myservice:latest'
  image: 'repository/otherservice:{{othergroup:otherservice}}'

`build.gradle` declares a dependency on a docker image published as
'othergroup:otherservice' in version 0.1.2:

plugins {
    id 'com.palantir.docker-compose'

dependencies {
    docker 'othergroup:otherservice:0.1.2'

The `generateDockerCompose` task creates a `docker-compose.yml` as follows:

  image: 'repository/myservice:latest'
  image: 'repository/otherservice:0.1.2'

The `generateDockerCompose` task fails if the template file contains variables
that cannot get resolved using the provided `docker` dependencies. Version
conflicts between transitive dependencies of the same artifact are handled with
the standard Gradle semantics: each artifact is resolved to the highest declared

**Configuring file locations**

The template and generated file locations are customizable through the
`dockerCompose` extension:

dockerCompose {
    template 'my-template.yml'
    dockerComposeFile 'my-docker-compose.yml'

Docker Run Plugin
Apply the plugin using standard gradle convention:

plugins {
    id 'com.palantir.docker-run' version '<version>'

Use the `dockerRun` configuration block to configure the name, image and optional
command to execute for the `dockerRun` tasks:

dockerRun {
    name 'my-container'
    image 'busybox'
    volumes 'hostvolume': '/containervolume'
    daemonize true
    env 'MYVAR1': 'MYVALUE1', 'MYVAR2': 'MYVALUE2'
    command 'sleep', '100'

**Docker Run Configuration Parameters**
- `name` the name to use for this container, may include a tag.
- `image` the name of the image to use.
- `volumes` optional map of volumes to mount in the container. The key is path
  to the host volume, relative to the project folder, the value is the exposed
  container volume path.
- `env` optional map of environment variables to supply to the running container.
  These must be exposed in the Dockerfile with `ENV` instructions.
- `daemonize` defaults to true to daemonize the container after starting. However
  if your container runs a command and exits, you can set this to false.
- `clean` (optional) a boolean argument which adds `--rm` to the `docker run`
  command to ensure that containers are cleaned up after running; defaults to `false`
- `command` the command to run.


 * **Docker**
   * `docker`: build a docker container with the specified name and Dockerfile
   * `dockerTag`: tag the docker container with all specified tags
   * `dockerTag<tag>`: tag the docker container with `<tag>`
   * `dockerPush`: push the specified container to a docker repository
   * `dockerPush<tag>`: push the `<tag>` docker container to a docker repository
   * `dockerPrepare`: prepare to build a docker container by copying
     dependent task outputs, referenced files, and `dockerfile` into a temporary
   * `dockerClean`: remove temporary directory associated with the docker build
   * `dockerfileZip`: builds a ZIP file containing the configured Dockerfile
 * **Docker Compose**
   * `generateDockerCompose`: Populates a docker-compose file template with image
     versions declared by dependencies
 * **Docker Run**
   * `dockerRun`: run the specified image with the specified name
   * `dockerStop`: stop the running container
   * `dockerRunStatus`: indicate the run status of the container
   * `dockerRemoveContainer`: remove the container

This plugin is made available under the [Apache 2.0 License](http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0).

Contributions to this project must follow the [contribution guide](CONTRIBUTING.md).