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npm install react-native-turbo-webview

Turbo implementation for React Native

The example implements native view RNVisitable component for React Native. This view is an equivalent of the Turbo Visitable.


Turbo manages a single webview instance, shared between multiple view controllers. It also automatically show a screenshot of web page content when the web view is not focused. The Visitable views are rendered as native view from React RNVisitable.


Each Session manages a single WKWebView instance. We've added support for multiple sessions, now each session instance is managed by <RNSession> native component. Every Session is used by all its React children RNVisitable components. The session is shared using React.Context API.

  <VisitableView />

You are also able to use withSession(...) React HOC instead of composition.

Visitable component

We can use React Navigation support (described below) or standalone React VisitableView.tsx component for more advanced cases.

const onVisitProposal = ({
  nativeEvent: { action: actionType, url },
}: NativeSyntheticEvent<VisitProposal>) => {
  // Handle opening new webview screen



  • url – URL for the WKWebview to open

  • onVisitProposal – callback called when the webview detects changing navigate action

  • onLoad – callback called when the webview successfully loads

  • onVisitError – callback called when the webview fails to load

React Navigation integration 🔗

The example uses Configurable Links for smooth integration with the webview. It enables us to:

  • Open native screen from webview.
  • Open webview from native screen.
  • Open webview screen from webview screen.
  • Setup title for every webview screen (we don't need to wait for the page load).
  • It supports Turbo replace action.
  • We can set the presentation type to modal.

Example setup for example setup see App.tsx.


You can see all the examples in action, just check out the example app. You need to first start the local demo web page from the demo directory.

Opening webview from RN screen

You need to use the useWebviewNavigate hook which is a slightly modified useLinkTo hook from React Navigation.

const navigateTo = useWebviewNavigate();
navigateTo(urlOrPath, actionType /* "replace" | "advance" */);

Opening RN screen from webview

In the linking object in the <NavigationContainer/> you need to define the url/route that opens specific screen.

You can also add a wildcard path that will be navigated to on all URLs matching the prefixes, but not matching any other defined screens.

const linking = {
  prefixes: [BASE_URL],
  config: {
    screens: {
      NativeNumbersScreenName: 'numbers', // Will be shown when navigating to BASE_URL/numbers
      FallbackScreen: {
        path: '*'

When you open this link in the webview, you will automatically be taken to a screen in RN.

Opening webview screen from a webview

const linking: LinkingOptions<any> = {
  prefixes: [BASE_URL],
  config: {
    screens: {
      FirstScreen: 'firstScreen',
      SecondScreen: 'secondScreen',

But wildcard support is in progress.

Example authorization

See example app WebviewScreen.tsx.

const onVisitError = ({
  nativeEvent: { statusCode },
}: NativeSyntheticEvent<VisitProposalError>) => {
  switch (statusCode) {
    case 401: {
      // Open sign in screen
    default: {
      navigateTo(`notfound`, 'replace');



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Made with create-react-native-library